ABC News: McCain Sticks by VP Pick; Calls Palin 'Spectacular,' Ready to LeadAs he prepares to accept the Republican Party's nomination for president, John McCain says that he is pleased with his embattled choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate, highlighting her experience as a governor and crusader for reform.
"We've got a spectacular running mate here that has really captured America," the Arizona senator told "World News" anchor Charles Gibson in an exclusive interview in St. Paul today. McCain said that his choice has "an incredible resume including a beautiful family." "She is experienced, she's talented, she knows how to lead and she has been vetted by the people of the state of Alaska," McCain said.
"Americans are going to be very, very, very pleased," McCain said. "She's really going to have a remarkable impact on the American people. … I'm very excited.
Where is that thread where Tim said he will bet tokenz that she will be out by November?