My boss and I recently interviewed an applicant for an engineering position on my team at work. I really like the applicant. He has a very nice personality. His technical skills are superb and his references glowing. I told my boss we should hire him. My boss offered him a job today and he accepted on one condition. His religion requires him to observe the Jewish Lunar Sabbath. He needs to take the sabbath day off from work. Which means, depending on the month, he may need to take one week day off every week. My boss said no. He told the applicant to take a few days to think it over and get back to him. I still want this guy. I tried to convince my boss we could make this work but my boss' mind is made up. So I have until Monday to convince the applicant to work on the Lunar Sabbath. I believe it would be futile to try to convince him he is wrong about what God wants. So I must try to convince him God will understand if he must work on the Lunar Sabbath. God only expects him to do his best. It's very unlikely he will find an engineering job in my area that will accommodate this belief.
Can anyone think of an example of a famous righteous Jewish man who had to compromise on one of God's commands and God understood? If not, I'm going to lose this guy. I believe this would be bad for him, his family and my team.
Can anyone think of an example of a famous righteous Jewish man who had to compromise on one of God's commands and God understood? If not, I'm going to lose this guy. I believe this would be bad for him, his family and my team.