Life in Outer Space?

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Watched these couple of videos last night:


What does everything think? Genuine? Fake? And if they're genuine, why isn't there any dialog going on about this other than amongst hardened UFO enthusiasts?

Interesting how a lot of the footage shows objects that appear organic in nature. There is currently a lot of interest in the idea that space isn't the perfect vacuum that was once thought, and that it might actually be possible that life, in some form, might very well be able to live in outer space.

Thanks to progress being made in biology and in particular the fields of astrobiology and abiogenesis, it's starting to be theorised that outer space might actually be teeming with life. Perhaps once scientists start taking the possibility seriously, more people might take notice.

What are your 2 cents on this?
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I'll weigh in on these in a little while... got a meeting in about 45 minutes, which won't give me near enough time to post everything I want. ;)

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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We only know about life as it exists on earth so who is to say that things could not live in outer space. Given the size of the universe all things should be on the table.

For all we know earth is just a tiny incubator


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Okay, first things first. I think it is an incredibly arrogant viewpoint to think that we're the only life that exists in the universe. On the flip side, I think that it can also be arrogant to think that life from other planets is visiting us here, no matter what my personal beliefs on the subject might be.

As far as the videos go... they, along with the infamous STS-80 video (not sure if it was included in the second video, didn't get a chance to watch it all), seem to point that there's at least "something" out there in space around our planet. There's all sorts of evidence out there, from the Japanese passenger plane flying up near Alaska that had a close encounter with a supposed "huge UFO", to one being spotted on a local airport radar, and then confirmed by NORAD before being denied later. All of those stories seem to imply that there's something going on. Whether or not it's aliens from another planet, or it's secret military testing going on we can't be sure until the United States or other governments start disclosing the information. France started releasing its data about two years ago now I think, the UK has partially followed suit, along with a number of South American countries.

There also seems to be evidence that would lead one to believe that the Nazis had been in contact with visitors from "elsewhere", based on the massive amount of technological advances they made in a relatively short period of time, during the lead up to and during WW2. Then you can also look at what has happened with further advancements since that time, which seemed to directly coincide with German scientists being brought to the United States following WW2.

I think part of the reason why we don't see this stuff being discussed in the mainstream media is because belief in alien life has been painted as a fringe belief, with the majority of believers being lunatics. For every sane and rational believer in alien life visiting us, there is a Steven Greer making us all look like fools. It certainly isn't beyond the realm of possibility that the reason these beliefs have been ridiculed over the years is because of a directed disinformation campaign perpetrated by the United States and other governments around the world.

Why might governments not want us to know about life on other planets? There are a number of different theories for that.

1) Fear of mass-hysteria. The idea that we aren't alone in the universe and there are being from other planets visiting us could set off complete chaos around the world. Especially in the aftermath of Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio broadcast. Some have even postulated that the broadcast was done in an attempt to see what the public reaction to an alien invasion or even alien contact would be.

2) Similar to mass-hysteria, it could set off a complete crisis of belief amongst the population. When you consider that 54% of the population of the world are followers of one of the Abrahamic religions or their offshoots, it would have the potential to have over half of the planet openly questioning their beliefs, and who knows what that would lead to; global instability or renewed questioning and perhaps a new global enlightment.

3) The governments that have knowledge of these things would like to keep it to themselves. Especially if they've known for upwards of 60+ years now. People could lose even more trust in their respective governments, especially here in the United States, which again could lead to potential global instability. The people in power want to keep that power.

4) There is a group of very powerful global leaders (the Illuminati, Majestic 12, Masons, etc) that want this information to be kept from the public for one or more of a few different reasons.

* They are in fact aliens themselves
* The time isn't right in their view to bring about a "New World Order". Either because they don't have the necessary pieces in place yet, or they don't feel the public would be accepting.
* They feel they would lose their control over the world, there could be a mass-revolt that brought about their New World Order in a way that they didn't intend, and they could be deposed

5) These beings are hostile, and certain governments around the world are working on ways to be able to defend ourselves, and letting the public know would again cause mass-hysteria. Or perhaps we have a deal put in place with them, maybe they gave us technological advances in exchange for them being allowed to perform experiments on the earth or its inhabitants, or both. But there was a time-frame put in place where they weren't allowed to disclose any of this for a specified number of years, or perhaps never.

There are more theories out there, but I think those are some of the more common ones, and most easily believed among them.

I think there is more than enough evidence out there to prove that at the very least we aren't alone in the universe. But I think there is enough circumstantial evidence that points to a potential alien presence on and around earth. Whether they are hostile or friendly is beyond any of our knowledge at this point in time. Why they would be visiting us is a very big question to which there isn't an obvious answer either. There are many conspiracy theories around as to why that might be, but there obviously aren't any concrete facts.

That's all I have time to post for now... I'll try to get back to this later on tonight or maybe tomorrow morning. At the very least, it should be helpful to get some discussion going.


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The whole ruling elite thing I've heard a lot about before, and it doesn't make much sense to me. Mainly because if they're trying to achieve global domination they're very slow about it, and pretty crap at it too.

It does seem clear the governments are hiding something. I remember reading about the guy from the MoD who went public after leaving his position as an Royal air force secretary. He was dubbed the UKs "fox mulder" because he was the MoD's official UFO hunter/researcher. Much of his work has since been released to the public - sighting after sighting and even a couple of very close encounters.

What's really interesting in the videos I posted are the variations in the objects: from the typical flying saucer shapes, to long tubes, to triangles, and some other bizarre shapes that look like living organisms: Almost jellyfish-like.

The latest theories regarding space having a large amount of plasma in it, I wonder what kind of life could live in zero gravity - would it not take a similar form to a jelly fish? It certainly wouldn't need any bones...

Previously there was a lot about space the scientists weren't aware of, and as their knowledge increases, so does, it seems, the very remote possibility of lifeforms in outer space.... a very remote possibility, but imagine if a lot of these outer-space sightings were actually space creatures, living in the vacuum...


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The whole ruling elite thing I've heard a lot about before, and it doesn't make much sense to me. Mainly because if they're trying to achieve global domination they're very slow about it, and pretty crap at it too.

Are you familiar with the theory of the Overton Window? Where you slowly adjust what's acceptable to the masses by introducing them to more progressive topics in the direction of what you want them to eventually believe. If the masses aren't ready for it, then it could be disastrous.

That's why I think we're seeing more and more of these alien television shows, movies, and novels lately; along with the slow dissemination of information from various governments. This could be another shift of the window to get us ready for full disclosure.


Well-Known Member
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Are you familiar with the theory of the Overton Window? Where you slowly adjust what's acceptable to the masses by introducing them to more progressive topics in the direction of what you want them to eventually believe. If the masses aren't ready for it, then it could be disastrous.

That's why I think we're seeing more and more of these alien television shows, movies, and novels lately; along with the slow dissemination of information from various governments. This could be another shift of the window to get us ready for full disclosure.

I am familiar with the term. It bothers me that it was the name of a Glenn Beck novel ;)

Peter Parka

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It's a fact that at least simple life forms exist in outer space. Not really sure why people are obsessed with inteligent life out there though, a lot of people are obsessed with kicking out people from other countries from their country so why they would greet people from another planet with open arms is beyond me.


In Memoriam - RIP
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Okay, first things first. I think it is an incredibly arrogant viewpoint to think that we're the only life that exists in the universe. On the flip side, I think that it can also be arrogant to think that life from other planets is visiting us here, no matter what my personal beliefs on the subject might be.

As far as the videos go... they, along with the infamous STS-80 video (not sure if it was included in the second video, didn't get a chance to watch it all), seem to point that there's at least "something" out there in space around our planet. There's all sorts of evidence out there, from the Japanese passenger plane flying up near Alaska that had a close encounter with a supposed "huge UFO", to one being spotted on a local airport radar, and then confirmed by NORAD before being denied later. All of those stories seem to imply that there's something going on. Whether or not it's aliens from another planet, or it's secret military testing going on we can't be sure until the United States or other governments start disclosing the information. France started releasing its data about two years ago now I think, the UK has partially followed suit, along with a number of South American countries.

There also seems to be evidence that would lead one to believe that the Nazis had been in contact with visitors from "elsewhere", based on the massive amount of technological advances they made in a relatively short period of time, during the lead up to and during WW2. Then you can also look at what has happened with further advancements since that time, which seemed to directly coincide with German scientists being brought to the United States following WW2.

I think part of the reason why we don't see this stuff being discussed in the mainstream media is because belief in alien life has been painted as a fringe belief, with the majority of believers being lunatics. For every sane and rational believer in alien life visiting us, there is a Steven Greer making us all look like fools. It certainly isn't beyond the realm of possibility that the reason these beliefs have been ridiculed over the years is because of a directed disinformation campaign perpetrated by the United States and other governments around the world.

Why might governments not want us to know about life on other planets? There are a number of different theories for that.

1) Fear of mass-hysteria. The idea that we aren't alone in the universe and there are being from other planets visiting us could set off complete chaos around the world. Especially in the aftermath of Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio broadcast. Some have even postulated that the broadcast was done in an attempt to see what the public reaction to an alien invasion or even alien contact would be.

2) Similar to mass-hysteria, it could set off a complete crisis of belief amongst the population. When you consider that 54% of the population of the world are followers of one of the Abrahamic religions or their offshoots, it would have the potential to have over half of the planet openly questioning their beliefs, and who knows what that would lead to; global instability or renewed questioning and perhaps a new global enlightment.

3) The governments that have knowledge of these things would like to keep it to themselves. Especially if they've known for upwards of 60+ years now. People could lose even more trust in their respective governments, especially here in the United States, which again could lead to potential global instability. The people in power want to keep that power.

4) There is a group of very powerful global leaders (the Illuminati, Majestic 12, Masons, etc) that want this information to be kept from the public for one or more of a few different reasons.

* They are in fact aliens themselves
* The time isn't right in their view to bring about a "New World Order". Either because they don't have the necessary pieces in place yet, or they don't feel the public would be accepting.
* They feel they would lose their control over the world, there could be a mass-revolt that brought about their New World Order in a way that they didn't intend, and they could be deposed

5) These beings are hostile, and certain governments around the world are working on ways to be able to defend ourselves, and letting the public know would again cause mass-hysteria. Or perhaps we have a deal put in place with them, maybe they gave us technological advances in exchange for them being allowed to perform experiments on the earth or its inhabitants, or both. But there was a time-frame put in place where they weren't allowed to disclose any of this for a specified number of years, or perhaps never.

There are more theories out there, but I think those are some of the more common ones, and most easily believed among them.

I think there is more than enough evidence out there to prove that at the very least we aren't alone in the universe. But I think there is enough circumstantial evidence that points to a potential alien presence on and around earth. Whether they are hostile or friendly is beyond any of our knowledge at this point in time. Why they would be visiting us is a very big question to which there isn't an obvious answer either. There are many conspiracy theories around as to why that might be, but there obviously aren't any concrete facts.

That's all I have time to post for now... I'll try to get back to this later on tonight or maybe tomorrow morning. At the very least, it should be helpful to get some discussion going.
Very well said. Stephen Hawking said there were what possibly over a billion galaxies in the universe? to be the only life would be a huge stretch.
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Well-Known Member
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It's a fact that at least simple life forms exist in outer space. Not really sure why people are obsessed with inteligent life out there though, a lot of people are obsessed with kicking out people from other countries from their country so why they would greet people from another planet with open arms is beyond me.

Apples and Oranges? Broad generalization there too Peter.


Maulds' Angel
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Are you familiar with the theory of the Overton Window? Where you slowly adjust what's acceptable to the masses by introducing them to more progressive topics in the direction of what you want them to eventually believe. If the masses aren't ready for it, then it could be disastrous.

That's why I think we're seeing more and more of these alien television shows, movies, and novels lately; along with the slow dissemination of information from various governments. This could be another shift of the window to get us ready for full disclosure.

That's a really interesting theory. I had never thought of it before but it makes sense. I just can't find it in me to think we are the only planet of the the millions and billions out there that life evolved on. Humanity only knows a tiny crumb of space, I think it's a bit silly to shut out the possibility of aliens altogether.

Maybe they're conditioning us with all the vampire/werewolf stuff too lol.


Well-Known Member
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Very well said. Stephen Hawking said there were what possibly over a billion galaxies in the universe? to be the only life would be a huge stretch.

What people don't realise is just how big a galaxy is. There are thought to be over 100 billion stars within our galaxy alone...


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I am familiar with the term. It bothers me that it was the name of a Glenn Beck novel ;)


I actually read that book... my parents had bought it and I thought it'd be good for a laugh. Completely implausible story and poorly written... but his points about the overton window itself are halfway valid.

That's a really interesting theory. I had never thought of it before but it makes sense. I just can't find it in me to think we are the only planet of the the millions and billions out there that life evolved on. Humanity only knows a tiny crumb of space, I think it's a bit silly to shut out the possibility of aliens altogether.

Maybe they're conditioning us with all the vampire/werewolf stuff too lol.

I'm not so sure if the vampire/werewolf stuff fits in there, but it's a possibility.

I was thinking some more about the Overton window viewpoint on all of this and Ed's comment about a worldwide conspiracy being so slow in their supposed plans for world domination (or whatever). Something like this would have to be, to use a similar concept, a long con. In order to fully shift the mindset of the public in general to be accepting of the concept of alien life out there, it would have to take decades of work at the very least, slowly but surely shifting the idea from the absurd and completely rooted in science fiction, to something acceptable and not out of the realm of plausible belief. I think if that's the case, we're on the cusp of something big being announced, but it could be years in the making still. Hell, it could even still be decades away. But you have to admit that the public in general is far more accepting of the possibility than they were fifty years ago.


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The Overton Window sounds a lot like the frog/boiling water thing. You know, expose people to aliens all at once and they freak out, introduce the idea gradually over time and they're cool with it.

Not to oversimplify or anything :)

But then, another reason why there's more sci-fi in the media and more acceptance of the possibilities of alien life could be that we're fast exhausting the mysteries of our own planet. Where once we knew so little, we now know a little bit about everything, and quite a lot about a wide range of subjects. Where can we go for our fantasies now? To the stars! The universe is still very mysterious, not because we aren't doing what we can to discover new worlds and how they were formed and how they work, but because it's so vast that the potential is limitless.

Minor Axis

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I've always said "why not"? The problem with movies is that they can be faked, just like when I watch Ghost Hunters at home. Is it real or created for our entertainment?

I watched a show on either Discovery or History, making a case that the distances between systems is just so huge, that it would take forever to travel across the universe. Except that is based on technology we are aware of. Most SciFi writers use some kind of a gimmick to allow for this, a stargate or a wormhole. Is it possible? Why not? :)

Is there life, possibly intelligent life on other planets? When you consider how many planets/systems/galaxies there are and want to play the odds, I'd say it is a virtual certainty we are not alone. The question is are we close enough to someone else?