besides the heart burn, cramps, painful back, hurting legs from weight, bad heart burn, chest pains from organs being pushed up towards your brain, and all the blood work and doc's a good time lol i'd do it again...well after i pop this little one out.
well ive already experienced half of that shit from when i gained like 70 pounds in one year. i basically felt preggo lol. my feet even grew 2 sizes. So I'm sure i can manage. but i am a wimp when it comes to pain. the actual labor part creeps me out.
It's from the guy who directed 40 Year Old Virgin, aka one of the funniest movies of our time.
The main character is played by the funny guy with the red head fro and the big beard, I can't remember his character in 40 Year Old Virgin. Anyways, he is really funny. I would like to see it as well, because I love 4YOV.
whaat you dont remember him from the 40YOV????!!! he was the guy that was andys best friend...i think his name was cal, he worked int he electronics store with him..he was the one that said "You know how I know you're gay? Because you listen to coldplay"