Well-Known Member
I know a few of you were starting the diet/exercise routine at the beginning of the year and I jsut want to know about you guys' progress. Have you made any? If not, why not? It's never too late to start over, and every day is a new day. Don't get discouraged if you screw up, and don't think of it as "holding your breath" so to speak. I used to do that, and I always screwed up because all i could think about was the day when i could "eat normal" again. It's about a permanent change, and letting go of bad habbits for good. They still creep up every now and then, even for me...alcohol being a big one, and hell I still struggle with food choices to this day. But it's about being in it for the long haul and not every "throwing in the towel". I just want you guys to know that you CAN do it if you really want it. Just readjust your focus if you need to. Since this forum started (the H&F one) I have been tracking my progress and have lost 10 more pounds. 30 more to go till I'm at goal! You can do it guys! I <3 you all and I'm very proud of you, even if you haven't stuck with it, at least you gave it a fighting chance. Get back up on that horse if you need to