Why do I feel a lesson coming on?
**Types then deletes**
**Types then deletes**
**Types.... Hmmm... then deletes**
**Sits back and waits for Tim to tell me something I didn't know**
I don't stand for or against the U.N. Just like every large organization out there, I know there will be corruption, greed and wrong doing. I'm just curious on what you guys think about them and I want to get some good strong empirical facts. I know that many of you can sit there and list out 10 different reasons that they should be disbanded, but do you know the good that they do?
There is no argument that they make some bad decisions, but you also have to admit that they do some great things as well. So where do they stand as a whole? If you properly weigh the good they do with the bad, where do they stand?
I'm truly interested in what you guys think about them and if you really know what they do in the world.
I appreciate the link you provided Grace, but do you really agree with all of those pages condemning the U.N.? There wasn't a single positive on that site. Is that how you see the U.N.? No positive, just negative...
There were some posts on this site where some of you were very anti U.N. and you stated how they should be dissolved, these are the same sediments that I have heard over and over again on right wing talk radio. I was curious as to why you felt that way so I looked for some answers. When I started, I wasn't up to speed on the U.N. and what their role was. But for every story I read about U.N. corruption, greed and scandal I found 10 stories of where they do charitable missions around the world.
So far, from what I've learned, my stance is that the U.N. is a very important part of world peace and stability. That their humanitarian missions help millions that would not have received it otherwise. That we as a Super power in the world we should support the U.N. so that other countries may have a voice in world matters that concern all life on this planet. BUT, the U.N. IS in need of an overhaul. The permanent members of the U.N. need to work together to get rid of the greed, corruption and scandals. It's too important to let it fall apart, there is too much good that the U.N. does to let it all just stop. It would effect too many people world wide...