I watched that show and had mixed emotions about the presentation. They spent quite a bit of time showing their symptoms and that was informative. Where they missed the boat imo is not showing the reactions of the general public when they are out and about.
Rewind to about 1957 - 1968ish............
The reason I say that is because I stuttered to the point of my family not being able to understand me. I endured years upon years of ridicule from strangers and fought my way through my younger years. It frustrated me to no end when I knew I would have to speak. Ultimately I would end up in a fight because some bastard wouldn't stop teasing me. In the end that toughened me up and helped me later on in life but as a kid having to deal with the gawking, laughter etc brought on a lot of hardship and outright misery. My parents never teased me but they did try and change me. Back then they didn't know enough about stuttering so they would tell me to slow down, force me to read out loud etc. That shit doesn't work as they are aware of today. If they would have shown the public end of it I would have been a bit more open about the show. People need to know to leave them the hell alone.
I ended up having my stuttering " cured " and I really don't have an explanation. This is what happened. My first period of Social Studies in high school we were advised that everyone would stand up and read a paragraph from the text book out loud. I went up to Mr. Fucking Olson and after what seemed like hours managed to tell him I wasn't going to participate. He told me nobody was exempt so sit your arse down and wait for your turn. I counted the number of people before me, then found my paragraph, read it in my mind a hundred times and when my turn came I stood up expecting the worse and started reading. I made it through the paragraph without stuttering. To this day I remain free of the demon unless I'm either over tired, very mad or excited. I do have a constant fear of it returning though.
Because of my personal experience I don't ever try and " assist " someone that stutters. I don't gawk at them or anyone else that has some sort of impairment... ever. To me they are people just like everyone else and that's the way I treat them. I will also reprimand anyone that does it in front of me and it doesn't matter if they are known to me or not.