Is it really true in the US that nothing gets done ?

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Sarcasm is me :)
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I was watching a show with this guy.. Is this true and can it be so bad that people are getting nothing accomplished ?

Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh shook things up in Washington this week, saying he wants out. He said he doesn't like Congress.

Polls show most Americans don't either, because as CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes reports, it can't seem to get anything done.

Bayh isn't the first lawmaker this year to say he doesn't want to work in Washington anymore because Washington doesn't work.

"Congress is not operating as it should," Bayh said in announcing his retirement. "There is too much partisanship. The people's business is not getting done."
Americans Scorn Do-Nothing Congress - CBS Evening News - CBS News


As well that said that most people feel politics and following party line in the Government make it virtually impossible for new legislation to get approved.. How can the US get the economy working again is this continues ?

CBS News and the New York Times polled 1,000 Americans - blue collar and business owners, from Idaho to New York - and found deep pessimism about the economy and Washington's attempts to fix it.

Just 15 percent of those polled approve of the job Congress is doing. That's close to an all time low.

Only 29 percent think the GOP is trying to work with the president, while 62 percent think Mr. Obama is reaching across the aisle.
Poll: Americans Angry with D.C. Politics - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Just curious as many of you know that many of your close friends and allies depend on what happens in your backyard and could affect future plans.. :popcorn2:
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We don't need the gov't to get the economy working again. The gov't is the reason things are as fucked up as they are, and right now their meddling is keeping the investment dollars out of the market. What we need from the US gov't is to dismantle all the extraneous departments and excess spending. If they were to do that the economy would take off like a rocket.


But of course The current people in charge don't want the economy to improve. That's the last thing they want.


Sarcasm is me :)
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We don't need the gov't to get the economy working again. The gov't is the reason things are as fucked up as they are, and right now their meddling is keeping the investment dollars out of the market. What we need from the US gov't is to dismantle all the extraneous departments and excess spending. If they were to do that the economy would take off like a rocket.


But of course The current people in charge don't want the economy to improve. That's the last thing they want.

Many factors affect the economy..

Perception that nothing is getting done is one of them and affects Consumer Confidence greatly.. Many other factors, of course weigh in as well, but none can impact it faster then consumers..

Someone has to start the process of getting people positive again.. If Govt is not the start who will be ? Govt is not there to be in business but it can lead by example and guiding force to lead business in the right direction by being positive and working together..

How can you turn things around if everyone is negative about the whole process and fear each other ?


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Many factors affect the economy..

Perception that nothing is getting done is one of them and affects Consumer Confidence greatly.. Many other factors, of course weigh in as well, but none can impact it faster then consumers..

Someone has to start the process of getting people positive again.. If Govt is not the start who will be ? Govt is not there to be in business but it can lead by example and guiding force to lead business in the right direction by being positive and working together..

How can you turn things around if everyone is negative about the whole process and fear each other ?

There's that cultural gap again. Investors hold back because they know that the government's going to wade in and "do something" meaning "do anything, anything at all so long as it looks like activity." If our gov't for once would act as the US federal government was designed, the investors, entrepreneurs, and innovators would see that it is up to them to get things going again and would step up to the plate. They would do so because such a prime opportunity for instant success comes along only once in a lifetime, in you're lucky.

Instead, the US gov't acts as if it's a European gov't, whose responsibility it is to take care of the populace. They muck things up; the investors hang onto their dollars because nothing is predictable when politicians are "doing" things. The recessions drags out far longer than it needs to.


Sarcasm is me :)
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There's that cultural gap again. Investors hold back because they know that the government's going to wade in and "do something" meaning "do anything, anything at all so long as it looks like activity." If our gov't for once would act as the US federal government was designed, the investors, entrepreneurs, and innovators would see that it is up to them to get things going again and would step up to the plate. They would do so because such a prime opportunity for instant success comes along only once in a lifetime, in you're lucky.

Instead, the US gov't acts as if it's a European gov't, whose responsibility it is to take care of the populace. They muck things up; the investors hang onto their dollars because nothing is predictable when politicians are "doing" things. The recessions drags out far longer than it needs to.

Well again, I see Investors and Businesses moving faster if they see Legislators ( Govt ) working together on it's form of business and creating the laws of the land in co-operation instead of by threats all the time.. Every political party brings value to each discussion be it right or left, and add some value to the discussion at hand.

When those on the street see people working together and not always fighting as pitbulls for their interests, I think they feel much more confident that positive things are actually happening.. This creates movements that benefit all..

I think it's called team work..

Maybe I am just too damn positive a person ..


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Well again, I see Investors and Businesses moving faster if they see Legislators ( Govt ) working together on it's form of business and creating the laws of the land in co-operation instead of by threats all the time.
Faster than what? What do you have for comparison? There's not been a time in history that I'm aware of that the politicians didn't try to "fix" things.

Francis said:
Every political party brings value to each discussion be it right or left, and add some value to the discussion at hand.

When those on the street see people working together and not always fighting as pitbulls for their interests, I think they feel much more confident that positive things are actually happening.. This creates movements that benefit all.
Only if that movement is in the right direction, which is not the direction that either of our dysfunctional twin parties want to go.

It is not the job of our federal government to fix the economy. Their trying only screws things up even further. You wouldn't want the police or tow truck guy trying to save lives at the scene of an accident when there are fully capable doctors on the scene. We should let the businessmen handle business and let politicians, well, go home and cheer them on.


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The gridlock of the US Gov't is a feature not a bug. Our system is specifically designed to make it extremely hard to do anything unless there is a very broad consensus. Its a way to make sure the gov't can do what it needs to without easily becoming too powerfull


Sarcasm is me :)
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Only if that movement is in the right direction, which is not the direction that either of our dysfunctional twin parties want to go.

When movement is done by both parties in the correct direction, why is it so difficult for everyone to agree to stop stalling good legislation just for the sake of of doing so ?

The gridlock of the US Gov't is a feature not a bug. Our system is specifically designed to make it extremely hard to do anything unless there is a very broad consensus. Its a way to make sure the gov't can do what it needs to without easily becoming too powerfull

Gridlock is not something to be proud of.. What benefit does it bring you but delay and billion is lost GDP ?

Also your trying to tell me that if the opposition was to agree on some legislation with the ruling party that would make them to powerful ?

Read my signature.



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When movement is done by both parties in the correct direction, why is it so difficult for everyone to agree to stop stalling good legislation just for the sake of of doing so ?
I can't think of a single instance where this has been the case. Do you have an example in mind?

Francis said:
Gridlock is not something to be proud of.. What benefit does it bring you but delay and billion is lost GDP ?

Also your trying to tell me that if the opposition was to agree on some legislation with the ruling party that would make them to powerful ?
Again, it is not the job of our federal government to fix the economy. The delay and billions lost in GDP was due to Bush and Paulson, and later the Obama administration, causing and extending an element of chaotic unpredictability in the market. When investors can predict with some certainty what the market will do, positive or negative, they can and do act.

The time factor is to prevent the politicians from grabbing power by rushing legislation through before the public has had adequate chance to voice their approval or disapproval ... such as when Obama et al tried to shove gov't healthcare down our throats. In this case, the system worked to perfection ... well, so far. It failed when FDR was president.

Minor Axis

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Ok guys, who do you want to see in charge? Dems, Repubs, or Independants? Who has the answer? Who has the integrity? Who is going to place the welfare of it's citizens over in-fighting to sieze power? Currently the Republican Party has no interest in governing, just making sure the Dems get nothing accomplished. Is that the way you want it? Of course the Dems are all over the place. I'm not happy with them either.

Maybe we need some sentient robots placed in charge? Well, it depends on who does the programming! :p


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Ok guys, who do you want to see in charge? Dems, Repubs, or Independants? Who has the answer? Who has the integrity? Who is going to place the welfare of it's citizens over in-fighting to sieze power? Currently the Republican Party has no interest in governing, just making sure the Dems get nothing accomplished. Is that the way you want it? Of course the Dems are all over the place. I'm not happy with them either.

Maybe we need some sentient robots placed in charge? Well, it depends on who does the programming! :p

I want to see guys like this

Willing to see reality and make the tough choices to deal with it. That right there is real leadership....


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think of the phrase, too many cooks spoil the pot.

well the politicians are hundreds of cooks trying to make a pot of soup. anyone want to take a guess how that soup is going to turn out? if you're brave enough to have two bowls of it along with the shit sandwich they want us all to eat i'll pay for your fucking meal myself.