Is it ok to buy your children birth control?

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This is coming from the abortion thread I want to hear all of your opinions on birth control. And Im thinking there better be alot of yes's here because Ill tell you what teen sex isnt going to stop because youre a parent and you tell your kids its wrong to do it. What are the FAQ's?
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i dont think you should need your parents permission to buy birth control. When I was living at home (even over 18) my parents would not let me get birth i found a free clinic and got it behind their backs. I would have much rather made that decision for myself than deal with being a pregnant teenager. I don't think the parents should have anything to do with it, If a girl wants on BC, she should be able to get it, period.


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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yes- whether or not you give your kids "permission" to have sex, theyre gonna do it... they might as well be safe


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I think its a good thing, as long as the parents and their child agree on it.
I agree. I think parents need to know what medications their children are on for their own well being.


I personally will not buy birth control for my daughter as I do not condone sex before marriage. But I will not stop her from buying/getting birth control herself. If she wants to act like a married grown up then she needs to take responsibility for herself or face the consequences of her grown up actions. For me to stand in the way of natural consequences just prolongs her learning hard lessons in life. So, if she decides to have sex before marriage and buys birth control pills, she will know that she'll be doing so without my blessing or God's blessing.

None of this however would stop me from loving her to death, though I would be disappointed in her decision. We all fall short of everything the Lord wants to bless us with because of our disobedience, and I realize my daughter is no different just because she is my daughter.

All this talk about my kids, just pulls at my heart strings. I just love them so much.


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that is true Grace, but what about etreme cases like mine? With overly religious and fundamental parents like mine I had NO CHOICE...and it was VERY unfair, and I believe untrusting of them for them not to allow me to get on BC for my endometriosis (bad bad cramps). They wouldn't even let me get examined to find out that I HAD endometriosis...I didn't do it because I had trouble telling them about anything, I did it out of desperation and need. Their lack of trust in me caused me to care less and less about actually BEING truthful to them, which in turn lead to me losing my virginity and using my BC as a cop out. All in all, if they would have just agreed to let me on the BC and take me to the gyno when I NEEDED to go, I would have been much less likely to defy their wishes and go off behind their backs and have sex. I'm not using that as an excuse or blaming them, but I think that a 16 year old female should be able to make her own decisions based on her body's needs to make the best choice for herself.


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ok time for the teen moms perspective again. Im not saying that Im not taking some responsibility for my actions here because I am, I need to, and since Im a grown up now I can look back and say wow you were stupid. But the attitude of I dont agree with it so Im not going to do it by a parent is the biggest mistake you can ever make. I went to my parents and asked them to please put me on the pill, I wasnt having sex yet but I was thinking about it. Who knows it may have even started a conversation that may have prevented me from having it by someone, doubtful but who knows. My dads reply was NO that gives you permisson to have sex and Im not going to condone that behavior. Well guess what folks hes got a 17 almost 18 year old grandson now and hes only 56. Think about it before you rule it out.


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if my kid wanted to be put on birth control I would do it. Probably if she asked me too, and if I knew she was having sex. Kids today are having sex earlier and earlier....It's something that should be talked about.


Well-Known Member
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that is true Grace, but what about etreme cases like mine? With overly religious and fundamental parents like mine I had NO CHOICE...and it was VERY unfair, and I believe untrusting of them for them not to allow me to get on BC for my endometriosis (bad bad cramps). They wouldn't even let me get examined to find out that I HAD endometriosis...I didn't do it because I had trouble telling them about anything, I did it out of desperation and need. Their lack of trust in me caused me to care less and less about actually BEING truthful to them, which in turn lead to me losing my virginity and using my BC as a cop out. All in all, if they would have just agreed to let me on the BC and take me to the gyno when I NEEDED to go, I would have been much less likely to defy their wishes and go off behind their backs and have sex. I'm not using that as an excuse or blaming them, but I think that a 16 year old female should be able to make her own decisions based on her body's needs to make the best choice for herself.

After reading your post I just want to put my arms around you and give you a big hug. I don't know what to say to that hun. We would not handle the situation as you parents did. (and this is in no way putting your parents down, I hope you know that) If our doctor said to put our daughter on birth control because she had endometriosis, I would. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I trust my kids, but I do not put them in situations where they are then faced with adult decisions.

I am very open when it comes to talking about sex with my kids. And my teenage son talks to me about it without feeling embarrassed. I'm really happy about the closeness of our relationship.

Sex is wonderful and that is reinforced over and over in our home in conversation. But we also stress that it is important for us to become self aware at an early age instead of when we are in our late 20's and look back and realize how much we should have done things differently. Granted my kids may still make some huge mistakes, but at least they will have been forewarned in love.


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i feel as though it is this world (like abortion) that puts this question to the mind. in a perfect world, the parents would inform their child that to have sex, should be with someone who loves what you love, things that will not change with age (for myself, love of peace, others, complete devotion, ect.) then, you wouldnt have to worry about joining with the person who impregnated you because they would be a perfect father/mother or the potential child.
this is all so confusing, i mean, sex feels so good, and a lot of people want it, and what happens if the person does not have the birth control apperatus around at the time, but the feeling is so good that they dont care that its not around, what then?
this is hard, you can only teach so much to your child, then, if your teaching about things has not gotten through the social barrier enough, and they ask you for physical portection, then how can you say no?
i mean, if you are the type of parent that doesnt want your kids having sex (for whatever reason, age, marriage), and they ask you for protection, then the parent cant feel so offended as to not help them, because it is their own teachings that have not sunken in, or else the child would not be asking them in the first place,lol
again, like abortion, this is all so complicated, sex is great, even especially without protection!,lol, but what are we to do in this world we live in?


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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I think education is very important. My parents raised me to believe that sex is something you do with someone you love, but never something dirty and to be tolerant with other people's opinions on sex. They also taught me to be safe and take care of myself. My dad gave me a condom when I was like 15, lol (didn't have sex after 2 years, but well). My borther is probably more lucky though, having a sister and all who can explain him everything he wants (sex is no taboo for me, never been).
About birth control, I think that when it doesn't come to condoms, the other birth control it's only to be used in an estable couple. So if my girl or boy would be 16 or over and in love, why wouldn't I buy it to them? and if they were messing around, all against what I would try to teach them, then they even need condoms more. They should be for free and available always. That's my opinion.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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i dont think you should need your parents permission to buy birth control. When I was living at home (even over 18) my parents would not let me get birth i found a free clinic and got it behind their backs. I would have much rather made that decision for myself than deal with being a pregnant teenager. I don't think the parents should have anything to do with it, If a girl wants on BC, she should be able to get it, period.
I agree. In Spain you don't need it, at least they didn't ask it to me ever, lol.


You have to remind your daughters...If you have sex, you have the potential of dealing with that guy for the next 18+ years of your life. Are you ready for that?

Here is my take. You don't have to have your parent's permission to buy condoms. You shouldn't have to have their permission to buy birth control pills either. I know the difference is that it is a prescription drug, but come on, we are not living in the stone ages anymore.

Here is the thing. I have two teenage daughters. I know they are going to have sex. I just don't want to hear about it!


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Teen sex is a reality, they are going to do it, we may as well send them into the world with protection!

We are actually debating this on a parenting forum I chat on... In SA they have passed a bill that will allow kids as young as 12 to get birth control, and have abortions without needing their parents' consent.

While I am pro-life, I don't agree with the abortion part, but as for being able to get birth control, I think they should have passed this law long ago.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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using abortion as birth control is appalling, I hope people grow smarter and USE CONDOMS