I understand some people are poor and cant afford to dress certain ways but there are places like Goodwill that sell perfectly good clean untattered clothing really cheap. I'm referring to folks who go out in public with in pajamas or jeans with one leg torn down to the ankle. Businesses already tell you no shirt no shoes no business so whats the difference? if you can't take the time to dress properly in BROAD DAYLIGHT then stay home IMO. i think I brought this up once but for example...
I went into a club and this really butch looking chick who id first mistaken for a man was dancing in the corner with a chick and their pants were torn so much you could see the boxers she was wearing....
If you can take the time and can afford to go out and shop you can dress correctly. And I know you folks who run out in the middle of the night to get things in your pjs will butt in. But I think thats a tad different.
I went into a club and this really butch looking chick who id first mistaken for a man was dancing in the corner with a chick and their pants were torn so much you could see the boxers she was wearing....
If you can take the time and can afford to go out and shop you can dress correctly. And I know you folks who run out in the middle of the night to get things in your pjs will butt in. But I think thats a tad different.
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