cherry123 Active Member Messages 1,000 Reaction score 201 Tokenz 759.87z Monday at 1:58 PM #21 Well sometimes there's no way out when they two can't just stand each other. Yes it might slightly affects the kids but you have to let it go
Well sometimes there's no way out when they two can't just stand each other. Yes it might slightly affects the kids but you have to let it go
theearner Member Messages 100 Reaction score 1 Tokenz 311.09z Wednesday at 7:29 AM #22 Divorce is not the best option legally. In my country , if you divorce and decide to marry again, it will cost you lot of money.
Divorce is not the best option legally. In my country , if you divorce and decide to marry again, it will cost you lot of money.
Nomad Community Manager Administrator Messages 255 Reaction score 24 Tokenz 860.85z Yesterday at 11:03 AM #23 It depends on what kind of relationship you have and what are your reasons for disagreements. If you want to separate because one of you cheated on I think separation is the best option
It depends on what kind of relationship you have and what are your reasons for disagreements. If you want to separate because one of you cheated on I think separation is the best option