Is America Ready For A Black President - Part 2

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I listed below some comments from my blog concerning the above topic which I wrote 6 months ago

well as for as race goes, i don't have a problem with it. My family tree has whites, black, and hispanics in it, So i love everyone. Our kids of the future will be the ones to help fix the problem, most of them are color blind to the skin, they just want to be happy and enjoy life the way they choose to, without being picked with. I grew up in the upper class neighborhood mixed with different races in Austin Texas in the 60's, but i didn't have any problems thank god. great blog.

Personally, I voted for Obama. I got my 72 year old dad who have never voted for a Democrat AND I considered to have slight racial biases (especially when I was young) to vote for Obama. And My Fox News Junkie Uncle to vote for Obama. America is growing up and getting over it.
Have people vote on my poll - it is starting to get interesting who people are having show up for candidates.

Personally, untill ppl stop looking at color and the look at the character of a person (Martin Luther King), then no. What should be the important thing about a future president is their character. Not putting down another person of the same party (what is up with that?!) But, whatis the 25 million dollar question. I don't like Hillary and there is noth lies like a freakin' rug. Plus she is so @#!@ smug. She thinks she owns the presidency because her player husband had it. Ummm...NO!! So that is my take on your question.

Ok here is my 2cents worth....first off, I was brought up to dislke black people, no my parents were not part of a KKK, it was their I got to be an adult, I changed that way, I am now friends with ALL races and you don't know how good it feels to be that way. I feel that we need a good president, no matter what color, race, ethnic group or what have ya, as long as that person is for the USA and the people, rich and for poor. Times are changing and so will the way we vote for new presidents, I myself am not a voter, but I listen to what each person says that is running, I will not state who I think will be a good president, you know why I won't. I do agree though, that they should have some experience with knowing how to run for president, no matter if its a woman, black or white or whatever color or gender, because there won't be anyone there to train them for their new job.....they need to listen to what they people want and need the rich and the poor.

our country is in a sad state right now. im really scared for the future of this country.

No. There is racism on both side of the color lines.

Nice blog Kevin, Let me just say i'm not a racist. I just don't believe Obama is experenced enough to lead our country. I agree with Terry, about the Pastor, Obama went to his Church for twenty years and don't know what the Pastor is about, how does he think he can have the power that it takes to rule this country. Sorry but Hillary has my vote on experence alone, not that she is white or a Woman.

Interesting topic. If you get down to the science of race... it's just a matter of more chemicals in the skin, right? I mean, it happens to white people when they lay out in the sun and 'tan' it's just that black skin just evolved into staying 'tan.' I think we have 3 very qualified, intelligent people in the race for President. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would want the job... I have a hard enough time being den mother to 7 little cub scouts. Woule we be asking the same question if he was green with purple polka dots? Hmm

The only reason society is making it a big deal is because they think the Rev. comments, (which were negative about past -white based- politics & the keeping out black higher power members) ..... was implying he and his church members had a grudge. People who 'have' a grudge often act radically, and therefore society is being lead by the media into thinking he WILL go to the revenge aspect of his duties &get revenge.
ALL this is crap. Society (or media, anyway) is jumping on the Rev.-bashing bandwagon JUST to try and sway ignorant folks.
I don't even understand how we can condone their behavior. Everyone says 'i'm not racist' yet we allow the media to say these things, and ourselves to get caught up in these incessant racial debates. Stop drudging it up because it's not even a intellectual or valid debate. (I say that to the media, not you Kelvin)
So yeah, race isn't an issue. 'Should' is a matter of opinion and therefore not a valid argument.
peace lovies! Misha

Great blog. To me, I don't look at race. I look at can he do the job and do what he says he will. The biggest concern, will he be like rest of the politicians say a lot of things, then get in, and don't do the things they say they will do. They need to get someone in who believes and will turn the government back where it it a government for the people, by the people, not a government for the rich and big corporations, like it has been seem like it has been turning to for some years now. Take care!

Great topic Kelvin. And of course race will always be an issue. It's an issue all over the world. But is the country ready for Obama? I say yes because he offers the country hope, which has been lacking in prior years. It's strange what hope will do for the psyche of a people. He may not have the same experience as other seasoned candidates ... hell, Reagan didn't either. And even though I do believe that presidents are ponds to higher powers, I can bet you this president won't play well with the boys. This is the man we want to carry us out of the sludge. It's time we start playing another kind of game that doesn't put oil and land at the forefront. Obama can do this for us.

color doesnt matter

I just dont agree with democratic views in general, so no i dont think we need a tax raising, baby killing, communist party. lol

just my opinion.
God bless

You are the first person here who has addressed the issue for what it is instead of undermining the man or using excuses to condemn him.
Living in the UK which has had and still has it problems I do feel the the USA has a long way to go with race issues.
Obama should be seen for what he stands for and never judged on his race, although this will be hard to do.
As I have said on many of these discussions, just look at the UK, we had our first woman Prime Minister and although it was a major victory for women at first, we soon realised she was as evil as any other male politician.
The USA have to vote in who is best for the job, it must have nothing to do with their race or gender. When we go down this road it is not healthy and the wrong person will get in just because of the colour of their skin or gender.
See Obama as a politician first before his colour is even mentioned, this is my opinion anyway.
Good blog Kelvin!

Great discussion and comments.

I think America is ready for a black president. I don't agree with all the positions Obama holds, but I do admire him.

It is wonderful that a black man and a woman have made it so far in the election process! That is what I call progress!

i don't tink that he can erase racesim because theres always gonna be rednecks thats gonna raise there children to belive that all black ppl are the 'n' word and teach them the rong defanation of it and all. my child is mixed and i don't have a problem sayen to anyone that idk if i want obama in office either though. and u'll never here the 'n' word come out of me. but i would rather see obama in office then clinton...

I really don't think it matters what color you are. This is not just an issue here in the USA. But as far a leader goes here in the USA as long as the person has good backing and can convince America they are worth holding our country up then it should not matter if he/she is of another color. Now if it was that the president was of another Country or color and started to make things worse then I could see why this would be bad but he is an American and Black people have been here for a long time and it is time to stop looking at them for their color. It is the person inside that makes all the difference

Hey there, I believe we are ready for any kind of change. We all need to turn a page and start a new chapter. The economy is on a down turn, people are loosing there homes, and gas prices are going through the roof. Any of those things can effect you regardless of your skin tone or if you are a women or a man. I do not believe anyone can put a complete stop to racism, stupid is a stupid does like Forest would say lol if they are stupid and pig headed and want to believe that way I think they always will no matter who is in charge of the country. I for one do not believe what his preacher said can be held against him 100% I'm sure if any one of us ran for any kind of office we have people in our lives that would use that to advance there own ideals. Do I think he should get away from that person yes but we will see.

i hope you dont mind i just gotta chip in on this one , im a pink skinned male , colour will be all our unoing unless we ALL stop this Cr**, politicians are , that is all , i believe wat Vanessa said we all bleed , yes and its red in colour , we all need to get along, before we tear this beautifull earth apart, we are better than that , surely with our intelect? we abolished slavery , now we must abolish racial prejidice , come on people , remember your brains use them not our ar*** ,, love makes the world go around , that and laughter , watch over our children with love n laughter , for what are we teaching them ????? be well be happy , our kids are our FUTURE

The president is a media puppet.
Personally I really don't think it matters who is president because someone else is pulling the strings

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Peter Parka

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"I just dont agree with democratic views in general, so no i dont think we need a tax raising, baby killing, communist party. lol

just my opinion.
God bless"

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of Americans who cant seem to tell the difference between moderate socialism and communism, kind of scary that these people can vote.:eek

Interesting read none the less and some pretty good comments in their. Seeing that Obama wasn't running on racial issues I find it sad that this had to be brought up as an issue in the first place. Anyone who didn't vote for Obama because he is black (not really true anyway, he is as much white as black) or voted for him because he is black really make a mockery of their right to vote.


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I think the fact that 61% of the people that voted for him were us white folks says yes we are. Clearly it wasn't about race, but the fact that a broad majority of people from diverse backgrounds didn't consider race a factor and voted for him because they felt he was the better candidate.

I also chuckle at the comments about his lack of experience. Those same folks would have been ok with Palin taking over in the event something would have happened to McCain? Right...the woman didn't even know Africa was a continent. Good times...


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"I just dont agree with democratic views in general, so no i dont think we need a tax raising, baby killing, communist party. lol

just my opinion.
God bless"

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of Americans who cant seem to tell the difference between moderate socialism and communism, kind of scary that these people can vote.:eek

Interesting read none the less and some pretty good comments in their. Seeing that Obama wasn't running on racial issues I find it sad that this had to be brought up as an issue in the first place. Anyone who didn't vote for Obama because he is black (not really true anyway, he is as much white as black) or voted for him because he is black really make a mockery of their right to vote.

I agree with this too...

Interesting to see the diversity of comments as well...Thanks for sharing!