i understand completely, i just have not read up on the man before, or who is following him, and what they are gaining from being around him. if you were being honest, and you said that you could cure snake bites with praying, i wouldnt be able to say here or there on your ability until i saw it, until then i would take your word, but i wouldnt swear by it and defend you from critics. if you could do that, i would go meet you right now, cause such gifts must only be given the those who earned it (and because it would be fuckin cool if it were true), because they care less and less about themselves and more about others (especially the poor snake bitten people out there). Again, i dont know either way, your probably right, i should read more on him or whatever. If I said I was divine and could bring peace to where peace is not, wouldnt you want that to be true before you knew anything more?