What is it?
Merriam-Webster puts it this way:
Well, that depends. If you are of the opinion that we were created, then all seems well. Or does it? Consider for a moment, that if such is true, then we are no more than a common species on a planet. We were created for one purpose, and even if we do not know such purpose, we were still created as though a pig, wildcat, falcon, whale, or an almost unlimited number of bacteria.
If you suggest we evolved into an intelligent form, that would seem to contradict the idea of intelligence itself, being that if intelligence were evolved, the concept has had to exist before gaining such an ability to apply it to environmental manipulation. The trait must have evolved before the discovery of fire, or we would have been scared of it the whole time, and possibly regressed into non-existence, if not just some bubbling brook of splodge on a rock.
The thought is troubling, when you think of it as such:
What would happen if bacteria became intelligent? What if they already are?
That begets another question:
What if we are the only species that is not intelligent, just blindly consuming resources and not returning the investment?
Maybe this hunk of rock of a planet is an entity that exudes intelligence, but is smart enough to fake stupidity?
What is *real* intelligence?
Merriam-Webster puts it this way:
Where did we get this ability from?1a
(1): the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations
(2): the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment
Well, that depends. If you are of the opinion that we were created, then all seems well. Or does it? Consider for a moment, that if such is true, then we are no more than a common species on a planet. We were created for one purpose, and even if we do not know such purpose, we were still created as though a pig, wildcat, falcon, whale, or an almost unlimited number of bacteria.
If you suggest we evolved into an intelligent form, that would seem to contradict the idea of intelligence itself, being that if intelligence were evolved, the concept has had to exist before gaining such an ability to apply it to environmental manipulation. The trait must have evolved before the discovery of fire, or we would have been scared of it the whole time, and possibly regressed into non-existence, if not just some bubbling brook of splodge on a rock.
The thought is troubling, when you think of it as such:
What would happen if bacteria became intelligent? What if they already are?
That begets another question:
What if we are the only species that is not intelligent, just blindly consuming resources and not returning the investment?
Maybe this hunk of rock of a planet is an entity that exudes intelligence, but is smart enough to fake stupidity?
What is *real* intelligence?