Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
Because I did not want to hijack the Polygamy Thread in the Religious Forum, I put my post here:
There is the potential for an interesting philosophic discussion here... So you are against seat belt and other laws designed to give individuals incentive to act in a responsible manner? Have you even seen what happens to someone in a serious accident who is not wearing a seat belt? Instead of a law, how about if you were required as a condition of insurance to sign a statement that says if you are involved in a car accident, you are not wearing a seat belt and you die, the insurance company has no obligation to pay a death benefit, and if you survive, the insurance company, nor the hospital will have any responsibility to pay/cover your treatment? Sound good? I have no problem with someone not wearing a helmit when riding a motorcycle, just don't make the insurance company pay for it when they fly off it, crack their head and require special care for the rest of their life.
The other side of the coin is what should society do? If a person is severely injured should they be denied entrance into a hospital or carried off to a death wing until they expire or should they be treated? What is expected of society as compared to individual responsibility?
I admit I don't have a clear answer for this. I was turned off at the Republican debate when a candidate was asked about someone without insurance went into a coma, should they be treated if they can't afford it? When the answer was "no", the crowd cheered, this turned me off. What if they can't afford it? What responsibility if any does society have? Depending on he answer, what does it say about us as the most intelligent beings we know of?
Sorry but you live in the US where it is a law that you have to wear a seat belt. I like having choices and freedom myself but more and more laws are passed to "save" us from ourselves. I like to visit other countries and when I return to the US I realize how screwed up everything is becoming.
There is the potential for an interesting philosophic discussion here... So you are against seat belt and other laws designed to give individuals incentive to act in a responsible manner? Have you even seen what happens to someone in a serious accident who is not wearing a seat belt? Instead of a law, how about if you were required as a condition of insurance to sign a statement that says if you are involved in a car accident, you are not wearing a seat belt and you die, the insurance company has no obligation to pay a death benefit, and if you survive, the insurance company, nor the hospital will have any responsibility to pay/cover your treatment? Sound good? I have no problem with someone not wearing a helmit when riding a motorcycle, just don't make the insurance company pay for it when they fly off it, crack their head and require special care for the rest of their life.
The other side of the coin is what should society do? If a person is severely injured should they be denied entrance into a hospital or carried off to a death wing until they expire or should they be treated? What is expected of society as compared to individual responsibility?
I admit I don't have a clear answer for this. I was turned off at the Republican debate when a candidate was asked about someone without insurance went into a coma, should they be treated if they can't afford it? When the answer was "no", the crowd cheered, this turned me off. What if they can't afford it? What responsibility if any does society have? Depending on he answer, what does it say about us as the most intelligent beings we know of?