impeach bush?

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Grounds for Bush's Impeachment
*stolen from NevadaBalla on another forum

1. Leaking classified information by disclosing the identity of Valerie Plame to reporters.

The President and Vice President unlawfully leaked classified information, the identity of a Non-official Cover, Valerie (Wilson) Plame, to a person or persons not authorized to receive such information, namely, Robert Novak, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, and Matt Cooper, a reporter for Time Magazine.

Law violated:

National Security Act of 1947.

2. Lying to congress -- passing false information about Iraq's WMD capacities.

George Bush and Dick Cheney passed false information to Congress about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capabilities, to wit, their possession of chemical weapons, biological weapons, and delivery systems. Furthermore, George Bush and Dick Cheney passed false information to Congress by falsely stating that Iraq was an imminent threat to the United States and that military action was therefore necessary.

Law violated:

18 USC 1001.

3. Extraordinary Renditions.

George Bush and Dick Cheney authorized the arrest and transporting of prisoners to secret jails in Morocco, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Eastern Europe for detention and torture without trial.

Law violated:

6th Amendment of the Constitution.

4. Detentions without Trial.

George Bush and Dick Cheney detained thousands of people at Guantanamo Bay without the possibility of trial and without access to effective counsel.

Law violated:

6th Amendment

5. Torture.

George Bush and Dick Cheney either ordered or caused other foreign countries to perform torture on suspects illegally detained under sections 3 and 4 of these articles.

Law violated:

8th Amendment.

6. Misappropriation of Funds.

George Bush and Dick Cheney diverted funds from Afghanistan to Iraq as documented in Bob Woodward's "Plan of attack" and failed to notify Congress of such appropriations.

Law violated:

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998.

The President shall notify the congressional committees specified in section 634A of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 at least 15 days in advance of each obligation of assistance under this section in accordance with the procedures applicable to reprogramming notifications under section 634A.

7. Bombing Iraq without Congressional Approval.

George Bush and Dick Cheney authorized over 21,000 bombing missions on Iraq without Congressional approval before passage of the Iraq War Resolution in October 11th, 2002.

Law violated:

Article I, US Constitution.

8. Conspiracy to pass false information.

George Bush and Dick Cheney conspired to pass false information about the nature of the intelligence on Iraq to the US Congress in conjunction with British Prime Minister Tony Blair for the purposes of triggering a war with Iraq as documented in the Downing Street Minutes.

Law violated:

18 USC 1001 (see above).

9. Lying about Niger connection.

George Bush and Dick Cheney lied to Congress at the State of the Union and elsewhere by falsely stating that Iraq had procured Uranium from Niger.

Law violated:

18 USC 1001 (see above).

10. Contempt of Congress.

George Bush and Dick Cheney showed a contempt of Congress by stating their intentions to violate laws passed by Congress or cause others to do so over 750 times.

11. Illegal wiretaps.

George Bush and Dick Cheney repeatedly bypassed the court system by ordering wiretaps without authorization from judges and without obtaining a warrant.

Law violated:

4th Amendment

12. Concealment of the existance or nature of Domestic Intelligence Programs.

George Bush and Dick Cheney concealed the nature and extent of the JPEN program, used for the purpose of domestic intelligence.

Law violated:

18 USC 1505

13. Destruction of Evidence.

George Bush and Dick Cheney destroyed evidence in conjunction with Plamegate.

Law violated:

18 USC 1505 (see above).

14. The use of White Phosphorus in Iraq.

George Bush and Dick Cheney authorized the use of White Phosphorus in Iraq in November 2004 during the Fallujah offensive.

Law violated:

US Army Field Manual, Chapter 5, section 3.

(4) Burster Type White phosphorus (WP M110A2) rounds burn with intense heat and emit dense white smoke. They may be used as the initial rounds in the smokescreen to rapidly create smoke or against material targets, such as Class V sites or logistic sites. It is against the law of land warfare to employ WP against personnel targets.


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I think if we were going to, we should have done it already. The damage is already done.

i don't even look at it as punishment, i look at it as minimizing future damages. i feel the bush mess has made the us a bit of a laughing stock on the global stage. if he can't regain the respect of fellow world leaders, it's important that we send a message that we didn't agree with what he did and we're going to do everything in our power to see that things are set straight.


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About the Guantanamo Bay prisoners, don't you have to be a American citizen to be guaranteed constitutional rights.


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About the Guantanamo Bay prisoners, don't you have to be a American citizen to be guaranteed constitutional rights.

yeah, i dont agree with all of them and you have a point there.

but ethically, with everyone saying how we're bringing freedom to iraq, bringing their citizens the basic human rights they deserve, isn't it wrong to treat these prisoners with out the rights people claim we're trying to spread?


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Bush has openly admitted violating the statutes setting up the FISA court, so there's your impeachable offense right there.

However, Pelosi had said flat out that impeachment is "off the table" before she became Speaker. And she's right...they'll have two years to prove to the American people they can do a better job. If those two years are spent engaging in a long drawn out exercise in what will, rightly or wrongly, be viewed by the electroate as partisan payback, then it'll be a real short Democratic majority.

He'll go down as the worst president in American history.

All Else Failed

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Bush has openly admitted violating the statutes setting up the FISA court, so there's your impeachable offense right there.

However, Pelosi had said flat out that impeachment is "off the table" before she became Speaker. And she's right...they'll have two years to prove to the American people they can do a better job. If those two years are spent engaging in a long drawn out exercise in what will, rightly or wrongly, be viewed by the electroate as partisan payback, then it'll be a real short Democratic majority.

He'll go down as the worst president in American history.

Personally, I think Nixon was worse.

BUT: We should have thrown this administration out by their necks a long time ago. As cited above, the blatant misuse of international and national state law, and the breaking of laws by this administration is reason enough for impeachment.


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He'll go down as the worst president in American history.

What about Franklin Pierce?


"Meanwhile, Pierce lost all credibility he may have had in the North and in the South and as of 2007, was the only elected president (rather than a Vice President who succeeded to the position) to fail to be renominated by his party for a second term."


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That's true. There's a hell of a lot more average-mediocre ones than good ones. A lot of them you can only say "Well, he didn't fuck anything up..."


Having way too much fun
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About the Guantanamo Bay prisoners, don't you have to be a American citizen to be guaranteed constitutional rights.

No you don't. Not once you are detained by the US unless you are prisoner of war, then it's the geneva convention that governs how you treat them. But we aren't even following that


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We aren't counting them as enemy POW's because they are not the actual military of a nation. They're just fighting us. I don't know if it's legal, but that's how I understand it.


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I think in many circumstances, Bush could have be seen as a lame-duck, uneventful president. History dealt him the good fortune of overwhelming congressional support, along with the good faith of the public (and the world) after 9/11. Being who he is, there was no other option for him but to screw it up.

He's started a war less noble than WWII, and arguably on par with or less noble than every other war we have ever been involved with.

He has taken away personal freedoms that will not return in the foreseeable future.

He has encouraged open discrimination against homosexuals.

He has increased the wealth/class gap and hurt small businesses with his tax plan.

He has avoided opportunities to make progress towards lessening our negative impact on the environment.

He has floundered on education, social security, and healthcare.

His foreign policy issues - even if you want to argue that they aren't as bad as other presidents' - have more of an impact simply due to his place in history (global economy, information age, shrinking world)*

One could write a few pages on each of these points and make a great argument for Bush being the worst president ever. I personally think he is, but it is a subjective question. Not everyone is going to agree. :D

*This includes many other issues, including the environment. Most presidents - bastards though they may have been - simply lacked the technology to be as bad as Bush.


Having way too much fun
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Sausage links? :)
