The day before Jimmy Stewart died I checked the movie Vertigo out of the library. Really, what are the odds?
Two years later I was having a Stanley Kubrick film festival the night he died. He died at the exact same moment I was watching Barry Lyndon.
On an internet forum in a thread about "The Most Beautiful Women Who Ever Lived" I posted pictures of Suzy Parker who was a famous model in the 40s. The next day she died.
Last year I had a conversation about "guilty pleasures" and mention that as a teen I loved Sidney Sheldon. Then he died.
Recently I was talking about the film All That Jazz and mentioned how great Roy Schinder is in it. The next day he was dead.
The day before it came public that Patrick Swayze has cancer I had posted online he was my first childhood crush.
I was also going on one night last year about how I love the band New Order. The next day they broke up.
John Edwards dropped out of the presidental race the day after I voted for him.
Last night I compiled a list of my 50 favorite directors in order of preference. Amongst them Sydney Pollock who just died.
Excuse me I'm gonna think about people I dislike now...
Two years later I was having a Stanley Kubrick film festival the night he died. He died at the exact same moment I was watching Barry Lyndon.
On an internet forum in a thread about "The Most Beautiful Women Who Ever Lived" I posted pictures of Suzy Parker who was a famous model in the 40s. The next day she died.
Last year I had a conversation about "guilty pleasures" and mention that as a teen I loved Sidney Sheldon. Then he died.
Recently I was talking about the film All That Jazz and mentioned how great Roy Schinder is in it. The next day he was dead.
The day before it came public that Patrick Swayze has cancer I had posted online he was my first childhood crush.
I was also going on one night last year about how I love the band New Order. The next day they broke up.
John Edwards dropped out of the presidental race the day after I voted for him.
Last night I compiled a list of my 50 favorite directors in order of preference. Amongst them Sydney Pollock who just died.
Excuse me I'm gonna think about people I dislike now...