I choked when I saw this! IE 8 is a major fibber, and as a web designer, I know. Trust me. I have a website that will not even WORK on IE at all, thus the start page will redirect you to a page stating why not to use IE if you try to enter on IE. While this page isn't much use to people who don't know what my website's about, check my site at:
Glest Guide. Be sure to check the lua page with both IE and any other browser (Firefox, Safari, etc

and you'll see how bad IE really is.
My comments to this chart:
Security: Regardless of the BS that microsoft gives, IE is still insecure, and the few features it has are easily rivaled by Firefox. IE has the most vulnerabilities for any browser, and probably always will!
Privacy: Firefox, Chrome, and Safari have all had these features for a long time (well, not firefox, as its kinda new there, but Safari was the first ever to impliment this). Although its not the biggest thing to boast about, since this is often known as 'porn mode' because others can't see your history.
Ease of Use: Chrome is far easier to use than any other browser, and firefox is pretty much the same. I admit, ease of use is a vauge topic, since browsers are pretty similar. They all have that address bar and that's all a newbie needs. Firefox's plugins make it WAY easier to use than IE.
Web Standards: As a web designer myself, who knows pretty much all of XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. I also know how horrible IE is at using JavaScript. Nothing ever works properly on IE, and I refuse to hack my sites for that. If someone even thinks of visiting my site on IE, I shoo them into a page to scold them. Yes, its harsh, but it beats filling out a form only for the form parser to not work on IE. IE cannot properly use the CSS property position 'fixed' either. While it sometimes works, it never seems to for me! IE has some extra code that is NOT to standards, and is only there to brain wash people who try to learn HTML. IE 8 fails the web standards quite horribly!
Developer Tools: Firefox's plugins make it vastly superior here. The web developer plug in is just heaven...
Reliability: IE WILL crash at least 200% as much as firefox. Guarenteed. When firefox freezes because you happen to be using Windows, it will usually regain control, while IE will simply say 'sorry'. On any other OS, You'll be hardpushed to see Firefox crash! And firefox is far better at recovering tabs, and needs no plug in to do so!
Customization: This is such BS! Firefox can do EVERYTHING that IE CAN'T! The personas are awesome, and the themes are customizable. I'd like to see IE do THAT!
Compatibility: See Web standards for the basic outrage. Microsoft has no compatibility at all. It tries to use its own code to ensure that web designers like me must try to code how they want us to, not like the WC3 says we should. For petes sake IE, can't you even keep up to date? What about the new standards like <video>? And the Acid3 test (
The Acid3 Test) is prove of IE's big flop. It scores in the 20% range. Firefox is around 93% and safari is a sweet 100%. I think chrome is 100% as well... And firefox is fixing the last few things. IE has no plans to fix this because if they adopt standards, people have no reason to use windows programs as much because web games would take over, being cross platform compatible.
Managability: The about:config gives more control than any other browser, and add-ons will add to this managability. So you can quit lying now IE.
Performance: Chrome is by far faster than IE, no matter what Microsoft says (and they'll usually lie anyway). While firefox is actually not the fastest browser, performance is also how well the browser performs, which is where IE lost.
As we can see, IE is hardly as good as it looks anymore, eh?