Yup, you heard me right, I want to get pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt.
First some back ground on me...
I always wear my seat belt
I smoke a pack a day
The reason why I want to get a ticket for driving without a seatbelt?
I want to fight it in court... but why you may ask... well follow along for a minute on my reasoning.
The law requires you to wear a seatbelt to prevent death and injury. The government wants to protect its citizens from death and injury or having to pay for someones elses injuries. A noble cause to be sure, a government that is looking out for me.... Well making it a law and forcing americans to wear a seatbelt has saves an average of 12,500 lives per year at best estimates. So if the government is sooo concerned with our safety, then why is it legal to smoke which kills 440,000 americans each year?
This will be the basis of my arguement in court. The fact that the government cannot tell me to wear a seatbelt to keep me safe then turn around and let the big tabacco companies continue to support them financially while keeping their products legal. Do you think that if it were not for the big tobacco lobbiests, that smoking would have been outlawed years ago????
Why is it that the government can tell me that I have to wear a seatbelt for my own protection but allows me to smoke as much as I want hurting those that are around me?
First some back ground on me...
I always wear my seat belt
I smoke a pack a day
The reason why I want to get a ticket for driving without a seatbelt?
I want to fight it in court... but why you may ask... well follow along for a minute on my reasoning.
The law requires you to wear a seatbelt to prevent death and injury. The government wants to protect its citizens from death and injury or having to pay for someones elses injuries. A noble cause to be sure, a government that is looking out for me.... Well making it a law and forcing americans to wear a seatbelt has saves an average of 12,500 lives per year at best estimates. So if the government is sooo concerned with our safety, then why is it legal to smoke which kills 440,000 americans each year?
This will be the basis of my arguement in court. The fact that the government cannot tell me to wear a seatbelt to keep me safe then turn around and let the big tabacco companies continue to support them financially while keeping their products legal. Do you think that if it were not for the big tobacco lobbiests, that smoking would have been outlawed years ago????
Why is it that the government can tell me that I have to wear a seatbelt for my own protection but allows me to smoke as much as I want hurting those that are around me?