I love how the MSM is ignoring the fact....

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In Memoriam - RIP
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that a Gaza relief boat w/Cynthia McKinney and about 20 others was captured and these folks are now in an Israeli prison.....

Please, let's have Michael Jackson instead......

Here is just one link of several that are all over the independent news blogs:

Media Centre

You know, blogs that do the work the MSM used to do before they became GovernmentPaidFor/SponsoredInfoTainment.......

I guess cuz Ms McKinney is viewed as 'crazy' by some it makes it ok to ignore what has happened? Nice....

Since it's been a few days and it's not been posted here, I thought I'd throw it out there.....

Any thoughts?

Want more info? Here's a link to one blog that has many stories on it's front page:


Ok, I'm done..... Back to my little world and gearing up for my Hubby's BDay...

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I wonder if the second link you provided has permission from the families of the fallen heroes to display their loved one's pictures above an anti-war message?


In Memoriam - RIP
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I don't know... Perhaps you should email Mike Rivero and ask him? Considering the Iraq 'war' was started on 'proven' false information, I wouldn't call it an Anti-War message. More like Anti-Lie.

No opinions on Cynthia McKinney being held prisoner in Israel? Or the lack of coverage in the msm?


Back By Unpopular Demand
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I don't know... Perhaps you should email Mike Rivero and ask him? Considering the Iraq 'war' was started on 'proven' false information, I wouldn't call it an Anti-War message. More like Anti-Lie.
I just call it horribly disrespectful :dunno

No opinions on Cynthia McKinney being held prisoner in Israel? Or the lack of coverage in the msm?
I didn't feel any need to comment because the basic premise is flawed. It was the headline on FoxNews the day it happened:
Cynthia McKinney Remains Imprisoned in Israel After Gaza-Bound Boat Is Seized - Political News - FOXNews.com

And here's plenty of other "MSM" links for you:
Israeli navy commandeers Gaza aid boat - Israel-Palestinians- msnbc.com
Israel navy intercepts boat with ex-U.S. Rep. McKinney - CNN.com
Fmr. Congresswoman Intercepted by Israeli Navy - The Note

I wouldn't say there's a lack of coverage. Sure, it's not the top story. But I think that's to be expected with the MJ saga, a major offensive underway in Afghanistan, NK continuing to launch missiles, the 4th of July, the British Embassy staff being arrested in Iran, and one of our soldiers being captured by the Taliban. I could see a case for any one of those being the top story right now.


In Memoriam - RIP
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Why do YOU think it's not being covered?

That's a damn good question. I'm not quite sure? When I first heard it I thought it would be splashed like other incidences similar to this have been. But it's been all celebrity deaths all the time.. CNN did have one little blurb the first day. One of the links on the blog I posted above is from Fox news... But I expected a bit more covereage.Especially since she's been a member of our government and a Presidential candidate.

I'd like to think it isn't cuz Cynthia is a black politician???? I mean really.... In this day and age?

Perhaps it's because she doesn't like what she sees and isn't afraid to speak out on what she sees even if people label her 'crazy'? She has been vocal in her views and those views do not put our government in a happy light. Can't have that. Best to sweep this incident to the side and hope no one notices? Who in their right mind reads those blogs anyway???

All MJ All the Time!

What do y'all think the reason is?


Slightly Acidic
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I think it's primarily because the general US population doesn't give a flying fuck about anything other than celebrity gossip and "Jon and Kate's" divorce. We've become a country of fat imbiciles, for the most part. The so-called "news media" is completely ratings and profit driven now, and their programming reflects only what people want to see and hear. And that reality is very sad, indeed.


In Memoriam - RIP
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I just call it horribly disrespectful :dunno

I didn't feel any need to comment because the basic premise is flawed. It was the headline on FoxNews the day it happened:
Cynthia McKinney Remains Imprisoned in Israel After Gaza-Bound Boat Is Seized - Political News - FOXNews.com

And here's plenty of other "MSM" links for you:
Israeli navy commandeers Gaza aid boat - Israel-Palestinians- msnbc.com
Israel navy intercepts boat with ex-U.S. Rep. McKinney - CNN.com
Fmr. Congresswoman Intercepted by Israeli Navy - The Note

I wouldn't say there's a lack of coverage. Sure, it's not the top story. But I think that's to be expected with the MJ saga, a major offensive underway in Afghanistan, NK continuing to launch missiles, the 4th of July, the British Embassy staff being arrested in Iran, and one of our soldiers being captured by the Taliban. I could see a case for any one of those being the top story right now.

I'd still say there is a lack of coverage. Blurbs here and there when MJ is still plastered everywhere says much. imho.

I think it's primarily because the general US population doesn't give a flying fuck about anything other than celbrity gossip and "Jon and Kate's" divorce. We've become a country of fat imbiciles, for the most part. The so-called "news media" is completely ratings and profit driven now, and their programming reflects only what people want to see and hear. And that reality is very sad, indeed.

hehehehehehehehehehehe..... well there ya go....

and I'm off to do a birthday cake..:cool


Doddering Old Poop
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I think it's primarily because the general US population doesn't give a flying fuck about anything other than celbrity gossip and "Jon and Kate's" divorce. We've become a country of fat imbiciles, for the most part. The so-called "news media" is completely ratings and profit driven now, and their programming reflects only what people want to see and hear. And that reality is very sad, indeed.

I think MSM programming doesn't reflect what the population wants to see and hear as much as it reflects what the corporate owners want us to see and hear. On those rare occasions when I am exposed to Cable news channels etc. I smell manufactured bullshit and just want to kick the screen in.


Slightly Acidic
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I think MSM programming doesn't reflect what the population wants to see and hear as much as it reflects what the corporate owners want us to see and hear. On those rare occasions when I am exposed to Cable news channels etc. I smell manufactured bullshit and just want to kick the screen in.

The corporate owners have no interest whatsoever in what the content is. They are public-traded conglomerates and the ONLY motovation they have is hitting their quarterly financial targets for Wall Street. Anything they can do to increase GRPs and generate higher ad revenue is what drives every decision that is made.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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When people ignore warnings they get what they deserve. But then this woman thinks she is above everybody else. As you may recall she is the same one that got into a spat with the security trying to get into her office a couple of years ago without ID. She should have been in trouble for assault but got away with it.


In Memoriam - RIP
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Tell us what you really think

hehehehehehehehehehehe....... Pretty much eh?

Personally I admire Cynthia for having the guts to speak out against the 'status quo' and actually doing something she believes is right even if it means spending time in jail in a foreign nation.

If more of our 'leaders' had her courage and determination perhaps we wouldn't be in the huge, sold-out, corrupt mess we find ourselves in? Pardon me if I don't hold my breath on that one.... Integrity seems in short supply on both sides of the aisle up on TheHill.



In Memoriam - RIP
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When people ignore warnings they get what they deserve. But then this woman thinks she is above everybody else. As you may recall she is the same one that got into a spat with the security trying to get into her office a couple of years ago without ID. She should have been in trouble for assault but got away with it.

AlienAllen, they were in International waters when arrested as the links above show..

But you are certainly entitled to your opinions as am I. For now anyway.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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AlienAllen, they were in International waters when arrested as the links above show..

But you are certainly entitled to your opinions as am I. For now anyway.

Yes she was in international waters. However Israel claims there had been an agreement. That might explain why the US has been fairly silent on this.

It is pretty clear she was looking for a confrontation and publicity

Cynthia McKinney Refuses Israel's Offer of Release from Custody - 11Alive.com | WXIA | Atlanta, GA

ATLANTA, Ga. (July 3, 2009) -- Former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who was taken into custody by the Israeli Navy on Tuesday with 20 others while trying to sail through a navy blockade to deliver humanitarian supplies to Gaza, has refused Israel's initial offer to release her from custody. According to her supporters in Atlanta, McKinney refused the offer because she would have been required to sign an admission of guilt that she violated Israel's blockade.

"At issue is the fact that Ms. McKinney was in international waters" when the Israeli Navy stopped the group's boat, according to a statement from the Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery and the Atlanta-based Coalition for the People's Agenda.

Israel disagrees, insisting that the Palestinian Authority and the rest of the international community long ago agreed to the off-shore blockade to prevent arms smuggling into Gaza.
Chattanooga Times Free Press | McKinney still held in Israel

JERUSALEM — Former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and most other members of a group of foreign peace activists seized at sea by the Israeli navy remain in custody after an attempt to run Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.
In the latest attempt by activists to break a crippling two-year blockade of Gaza, a group called the Free Gaza Movement sent the ship loaded with humanitarian supplies and 21 activists and crew from Cyprus.
The Israeli navy intercepted the ship Tuesday after it ignored repeated messages saying it would not be allowed to enter Gaza waters and ordering it to turn back.
Among those still being held pending a hearing Sunday is McKinney, who represented Georgia’s Fourth District as a Democrat.


In Memoriam - RIP
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As she said in the link I posted yesterday, she refused to sign because the statement was full of bs, iho.

Once again, she chose to take the harder way instead of the easy way out. Another lesson our 'leaders' could learn from while they leave her to twist in the wind... Let that be a lesson to her to speak out against the powers that be?


In Memoriam - RIP
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Nothing wrong with speaking out and being defiant. But just don't expect there to be no consequences.

Yet our leaders can bilk us out of billions w/no consequences to them.

Something is upside down somewhere...... But I certainly don't expect that to change anytime soon.