I read this article and thought it was one of the best comebacks I've heard in a while... I don't care who the players are or what they are saying... It's just the comeback that I thought was good..
Now that's funny
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s comment yesterday that Michael Moore is an example of “why the health care system costs more in this country” — an apparent reference to Mr. Moore’s weight — drew a sharp response from one of the filmmaker’s associates.
Meghan O’Hara, the producer of Mr. Moore’s new documentary, “Sicko,” fired back:
“Looks like Mike Huckabee is auditioning for some insurance company dough, since he’s raised just about no money and sparked zero interest since jumping into the race I wonder what the good Governor would say to the French, who drink more, smoke more, eat more cheese and still live longer than us despite paying less for health care? ”
“No wonder the Republicans are in such trouble, their entire plan to fix the health care system in this country is to tell people to lose weight. Maybe if Mike Huckabee and his Republican friends stopped sucking up to health insurance campaign contributors they wouldn’t feel the need to blame Americans for this crisis. Just because he stopped eating twinkies by the bushel doesn’t make that an outline for a national health care plan.
“There’s nothing worse than a reformed smoker — or twinkie eater for that matter — preaching conversion. We’ve all had one of those in the house and can’t wait for them to just leave. With 66 percent of the American Public overweight, it certainly doesn’t seem the way to win an election. Americans would feel better if they ate more fruits and vegetables, and walked around the block some more, but they won’t be encouraged to do that by a scold from Huckabee. And isn’t he a minister? I don’t remember Jesus blaming the sick for their ailments. He healed them, and told others that unless you help them, you can’t come into the kingdom of heaven.”
Now that's funny