I think happiness is being completely honest with oneself and knowing that you are solely responsible for everything that occurs to you. Being responsible is a great thing because it means your in control. I think to many people have fallen into the trap society feeds you ...that you are a victim and cant do anything about it. We like mysery, we are safe their. Happiness means that we are on top and can fall, wich is nerve wrecking to people, and once you happy you can only fall (or so we are told) there fore we avoid happiness.
People cant make you angry, people cant hurt you. only you can do that to yourself. it is the diologue we carry inside our minds that create this discomfort. If someone says they hate you, by the time they said it, its in the past, it doesnt exist anymore. It is you that starts repeating it in your mind and adding emotions. We gotta stop being victims and taking life so serious
We also get unhappy by lying to ourselves constanly We tell ourselves all kinds of crap to not come to terms of us being us. We always want to believe we are incapable of being wrong and that we are always innocent that we have good reasons for the bad things we do. Tell yourself the truth even if it hurts. Eventually youll learn to feel empowered by who you really are as oppsed to who you think you are. It is said we have 3 personalties:
Who you think you are
who others think you are
and who you really are
come to terms with who you really are and love who you really are. I can go on for hours explaining the secret to all this but then you ll be bored so i suggest these people to help you on your path to happiness.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Deepak Chopra
Richard Bandler