How Long Before Obama Turns the US into a Socialist Shit Hole?

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Fox Mulder

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American Thinker Blog: Obama and His Socialist Agenda

July 19, 2007
Obama and His Socialist Agenda

Rick Moran
[FONT=times new roman,times]We all knew that Barak Obama was liberal. But just how devoted he is to the nanny state has been a pretty well kept secret by both the Senator and his campaign. In fact, if you read most mainstream media accounts of where the Senator stands on a host of issues, you might think he was a candidate of the center or slightly left of Hillary Clinton. There has been much more discussion of Obama's "themes" of empowerment and unity than there has been of specific policy proposals.

But Obama let his true colors show yesterday in a speech in Washington, D.C. about urban poverty. His "solutions" will sound familiar to those who listened to Lyndon Johnson's poverty gurus and their fellow travelers under Jimmy Carter's presidency. Promising massive government assistance with the help of private businesses (help that never seems to be asked for when the programs hit the streets), Obama goes Johnson one better by promising to empower unions to organize (read "intimidate") just about everyone:
[FONT=times new roman,times]When I'm President, I will raise the minimum wage and make it a living wage by making sure that it rises every time the cost of living does. I'll start letting our unions do what they do best again – organize our workers and lift up our middle-class. And I'll finally make sure every American has affordable health care that stays with you no matter what happens by passing my plan to provide universal coverage and cut the cost of health care by up to $2500 per family.[/FONT]​
[FONT=times new roman,times]And this 1960's-style rhetoric about poverty should be a dead giveaway for those knowledgeable about how the left speaks in code words to mask their true intent: [/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]The philosophy behind the project is simple – if poverty is a disease that infects an entire community in the form of unemployment and violence; failing schools and broken homes, then we can't just treat those symptoms in isolation. We have to heal that entire community. And we have to focus on what actually works.[/FONT]​
[FONT=times new roman,times]If Obama and his socialist friends were to focus on what "actually works," they would make school choice the law of the land, crack down on drugs and gangs, lower taxes in urban areas to encourage the growth of the private sector, and a host of other free market solutions that have been advocated for decades. Instead, we get the same old tired bromides about government intervention.

The inner city is not the liberal's pet laboratory where they can experiment with people's lives as if they were lab rats. What the inner city needs, Obama and his socialist theories of government activism cannot provide. And that is the simple human dignity that goes with being self sufficient and supporting your loved ones. Getting those jobs to where they can do the most good will require rethinking urban policy so that lower taxes as well as tax incentives will begin the process of wealth creation that Americans are so good at. But asking these big city Democratic mayors to lower taxes and seek more free market solutions to their problems flies in the face of their own interests in feeding the numerous interest groups, special pleaders, and cronies who have gotten used to the contracts, the handouts, and the barely disguised bribes that pass for local government action these days.

It was federal government policies and programs that caused most of the problems of the inner city today. The fact that Obama wants to try more of the same only shows that absolute dearth of ideas emanating from the left regarding urban policy. They just can't help themselves. And Obama can no longer disguise his far left policies by advocating them using soothing, non-threatening rhetoric.
[FONT=times new roman,times][/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]At the end of his four years and under the control of Democrats, the economy will fail miserably, inner cities will blight again as they did under 60s Democrat socialist/communist policies and people. Get ready for a miserable four years of suffering folks.

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American Thinker Blog: Obama and His Socialist Agenda

[FONT=times new roman,times]At the end of his four years and under the control of Democrats, the economy will fail miserably, inner cities will blight again as they did under 60s Democrat socialist/communist policies and people. Get ready for a miserable four years of suffering folks.

now this is the mulder i know.....
you've been ill, huh? :24:

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Yeah, damn that affordable health care and a minimum wage people can actually live on...
so you think it is doable to make minimum wage a living wage eh?

Mulder will school you on this better than I can but that is lunacy.

Minimum wage was intended to ensure there was no slave labor. It was never meant to make the most menial jobs high paying. So how much shall we make minimum wage? $20 an hour sounds good to me. I would gladly quick my shitty job and sign up as a bag boy at the grocery store.

You increase minimum wage and all you do is make other wages go up and then costs for goods and services go up. So guess who is effected the most by those higher costs. Yup, the same people who you are trying to artificially get higher wages. The POOR. And you will certainly put people out of work. If the cost of doing business goes up something else happens. The employer will cut his labor force. Meaning those left working will be doing more work.

Anybody working minimum wage should not be a person in need of a lot of money. If you are working at minimum wage trying to raise a family then the light bulb never went off. hard work and a desire to further themselves will get somebody past minimum wage in short order.


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John McCain is going to be our next president so there is no need to worry about what Obama is going to do to this country! :)


Accidental Bastard
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You increase minimum wage and all you do is make other wages go up and then costs for goods and services go up. So guess who is effected the most by those higher costs. Yup, the same people who you are trying to artificially get higher wages. The POOR.

Very well said, plus you have to consider the damage it does to small businesses which are the backbone of this country.

John McCain is going to be our next president so there is no need to worry about what Obama is going to do to this country! :)

I don't share your optimism, but I do appreciate it :D

Fox Mulder

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so you think it is doable to make minimum wage a living wage eh?

Mulder will school you on this better than I can but that is lunacy.

Minimum wage was intended to ensure there was no slave labor. It was never meant to make the most menial jobs high paying. So how much shall we make minimum wage? $20 an hour sounds good to me. I would gladly quick my shitty job and sign up as a bag boy at the grocery store.

You increase minimum wage and all you do is make other wages go up and then costs for goods and services go up. So guess who is effected the most by those higher costs. Yup, the same people who you are trying to artificially get higher wages. The POOR. And you will certainly put people out of work. If the cost of doing business goes up something else happens. The employer will cut his labor force. Meaning those left working will be doing more work.

Anybody working minimum wage should not be a person in need of a lot of money. If you are working at minimum wage trying to raise a family then the light bulb never went off. hard work and a desire to further themselves will get somebody past minimum wage in short order.

You can't school ignorant people--you can present them with indisuputable facts, but they have their mind made up that Obama's going to take the money from the rich and the corporations and use it to make their lives better (that Obama will somehow be able to stop the increase in minimum wage and additional taxes from being passed on in the form of higher cost of living) --its incredible how gullible people are. You can use the minimum wage argument to guage the relative stupidity of a person--a yardstick of defective brain synapsis.

Here's the thing--I don't care if peopel vote for Obama for the right reasons. But what is absolutely fucking stunning to me is those that believe his plan of tax increases and "free" healthcare is going to provide a higher standard of living for people and make the economy better. Its fucking unfathomable that even people without an ounce of understanding of economics can't see what effect that would have on an economy.

If you are on government welfare or if you are a member of a union or a federal employee or a lawyer or some other special interest group pandered to by Democrats, I can see you wanting Obama, but I can't fathom the average working person who is supporting a family and paying taxes actually voting for a guy who is going to make it more difficult to support the family.

Fox Mulder

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Very well said, plus you have to consider the damage it does to small businesses which are the backbone of this country.

Here is what I like to ask these people who believe in a legislated "living wage" -- why the fuck don't we just raise everyone's wage to $50? Why stop at $7.50 or $8.00. I mean if a government can actually legislate a "living wage" then why not legislate a "great living wage?"

Again, its unfathomable to me that people can't understand that a government can no better legislate a living wage then they can legislate the laws of gravity--its almost, not quite, but almost a silly as believing that the government can pass a law that no human being shall be permitted to incur a change in velocity faster than that which would do no harm to their bodies. Problem of car crash injuries and deaths fucking solved. We just legislate it! :rolleyes:

Fox Mulder

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BTW--no one (i.e., the media) is talking about the effects the recent increase in mimimum wage has had on the economy. Its no fucking accident that everything has gotten a lot more expensive. Lunch that used to cost $5.00 no cost $7.50 where I live. And food has gotten really expensive. So now the living wage numbskulls will decide we need to just raise the minimum wage again to account for these recent increases in costs! Unbelievable! :rolleyes:

Fox Mulder

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Here is a good quick way that even the sysnapsis-challenged (i.e. Poochee and bassetman) can see what's happened with inflation since the Democrats took over in 2006 and raised the mimimum wage. (I'm being a bit ambitious with Poochee and Bassetman, but others will see it).

Inflation Calculator: Bureau of Labor Statistics

If you compare what a dollar was worth in 2000 to 2006, you need $1.17 in 2006 to buy the same goods and services as 2000. So on average, inflation was 17 percent over that time period or about 2.8 percent a year. Now if you compare 2006 to 2008, you need $1.09 to buy the same as you did in 2006. That's a rate of inflation of 4.5 percent a year in the two years since Democrats took over--double what it was in the previous 6 years and that's tied heavily to the minimum wage. In fact, if you segregated out the MW for study, the actual increase attributable to MW is even more pronounced.

The problem is you don't fucking see these kinds of comparisons by the liberal media or if you do they are burried in the back pages. And despite the fact that just about every credible economist will tell you that the minimum wage harms the poor by jacking up inflation (because the poor don't get the same increases because the vast majority aren't wage minimum wage earners anyway) and costing jobs. Yet despite the indisputable evidence of just about every expert, you still get idiots who trumpet raising the minimum wage becuase it make them feel better.

Fox Mulder

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Yeah, damn that affordable health care and a minimum wage people can actually live on...

If you want affordable healthcare (or anything affordable for that matter), get a fucking job that pays you enough. I have news for you--unless Obama ACTUALLY IS JESUS, he's not going to be able to change the laws of economics no matter how much he tells you he can. You can't legislate away poverty--its been tried for decades in many place, including the US and its failed miserably and its stunning to me there are people who actually believe that it can be done simply by the government saying so! :rolleyes:

Fox Mulder

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For anyone with minimal sysnapsis that wants to learn ;):
One of the authors (Richard Posner) has written 40 books and is an expert on Economics and the law--I used one of his books when I was in Law School--the guy is fucking brilliant, but honestly, what he says is the same thing you'll get from just about every economist. Anyone who really believes raising the MW is a good thing should read and understand this.
On Raising the Federal Minimum Wage--BECKER
An increase in the minimum wage has several distinctive negative effects on the economy. While the wages of some low skilled workers would improve, it would reduce employment opportunities for teenagers and other lower skilled workers. They are pushed either into unemployment or the underground economy. A bigger minimum also raises prices of fast foods and other goods produced with large inputs of unskilled labor. Workers who receive on the job training must accept lower wages in return. A higher floor on wages prevents the wages of lower skilled workers from being reduced much, and hence discourages firms from providing much training to these employees.

A rise in the minimum wage increases the demand for workers with greater skills because it reduces competition from low-skilled workers. This is an important reason why unions have always been strong supporters of high minimum wages because these reduce the competition faced by union members from the largely non-union workers who receive low wages.
Most knowledgeable supporters of a higher minimum wage do not believe it is an effective way to reduce the poverty rate. Poorer workers who are lucky enough to retain their jobs at a higher wage obviously do better, but the poorer workers who are priced out of the above ground economy are made worse off. Moreover, many of those who receive higher wages are not poor, but are teenagers and other secondary workers in middle class and rather rich families. Poor families are also disproportionately hurt by the rise in the cost of fast foods and other goods produced with the higher priced low-skilled labor since these families spend a relatively large fraction of their incomes on such goods.

A recent petition by over 600 economists, including 5 Nobel Laureates in Economics, advocated a phased-in rise in the federal minimum wage to a much higher $7.25 per hour from the present $5.15 per hour. This petition received much attention, and the number of economists signing is impressive (and depressing). Still, the American Economic Association has over 20,000 members, and I suspect that a clear majority of these members would have refused to sign that petition if they had been asked. They believe, as I do, that the negative effects of a higher minimum wage would outweigh any positive effects. That is one reason I would surmise why only a fraction of the 35 living economists who received the Nobel Prize signed on to the petition--I believe all were asked to sign.

Controversy remains in the United States (and elsewhere) over the effects of the minimum wage mainly because past changes in the U.S. minimum wage have usually been too small to have large and easily detectable general effects on employment and unemployment. The effects of an increase to $7.25 per hour in the federal minimum wage that many Democrats in Congress are proposing would be large enough to be easily seen in the data. It would be a nice experiment from a strictly scientific point of view, for it would help resolve the controversy over whether the effects of large increases in the minimum wage would be clearly visible in data on employment, training, and some prices. Presumably, even the economists and others who are proposing this much higher minimum must believe that at some point a still higher minimum would cause too much harm. Otherwise, why not propose $10 or $15 per hour, or an even higher figure? I am confident that for this and other reasons, the actual immediate increase in the federal minimum wage is likely to be significantly lower than $2.10 per hour.

A number of countries, including France, have already initiated this experiment, for the ratio of the minimum wage to the average wage in these countries is much higher than in the United States. The effects of the French minimum have been carefully studied by two excellent economists, Guy Laroque and Bernard Salanie, in a series of articles, such as " Labor Market Institutions and Employment in France," Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2002. They find that the relatively high minimum in France explains a significant part of the low employment rate of married women in France. Salanie has also argued that the high French minimum wage is important in explaining the dismal employment prospects of young persons in France, and the huge unemployment rate of Muslim youths there, estimated to be about 40 per cent.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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He'd have to be God to what most of his Moore-On supporters think he can do.
Given how bad Bush has screwed things up it makes you wonder why this guy does not have a double digit lead by now.

The liberals are wetting their pants waiting for the election. They are already whining about concerns another election is going to be stolen. :willy_nilly:

You want a good laugh go look at the Green Room in the social club section at TSG. It is fucking hilarious how those clowns are acting. :D