I broke up with my girlfriend more than a year ago. I left the country thinking that I would come back. However, being dependent on my family, they convinced me to stay so I can change my bad habits. I dated this girl for 6 months and I spent more than half my day with her. To say that I was with her 24/7 would literately be the truth out of my mouth.
I occasionally have flashbacks of the last moments we had together before I left for my flight. I felt free when I left her and I actually felt a lot of weight off my back. I was always mind controlled by this girl. I mean she would call me, and basically make me stay up with her all night on the phone or she would threaten to break up with me. I drove myself crazy thinking that I did something wrong when I really didn't.
What do you do to move on and open your heart to a new girl?
I occasionally have flashbacks of the last moments we had together before I left for my flight. I felt free when I left her and I actually felt a lot of weight off my back. I was always mind controlled by this girl. I mean she would call me, and basically make me stay up with her all night on the phone or she would threaten to break up with me. I drove myself crazy thinking that I did something wrong when I really didn't.
What do you do to move on and open your heart to a new girl?