My computer is a 10 year old Presario.. sorry, can't see the model number.. and it came with 256 MB of memory..
I did the tests at Crucial, and followed their recommendations based on the maximum that my computer could have.. which was 4 GB..
I took the old memory cards out and replaced them with 4 new cards with 1GB each last year and have had no problems at all..
Just make sure you buy exactly the ones they tell you!..
They have to be in pairs of the same!..
You can't mix 1- 512 Mb with 1-1Gb for example
Looking at your picture, I can see that:
Your computer can have 2GB of memory, maximum..
You have 1GB of memory installed now..
You have 2-512 MB -(1 GB)- installed in your computer now, and have no available slots, so you will have to take those two 512 MB out and replace them with 2 cards of 1GB each... to get the total of your max 2GB..
Make sure you look at the numbers and specifications in the test for your computer at the left of the page, and buy the exact matching cards at the right of the page..
the ones you have circled, have a slightly different numbers bellow the first line.. so make sure you get the ones that your computer needs..
Take your time, study the pictures and don't rush..
If you still don't know which to buy after careful examination, give them a call.. they are great with customer service!..
Don't discard the old cards!.. they are still good!..
Carefully wrap them or save them in the same cases your new ones come, and write what they are..
If your new ones should give you any problems, you can always install them back.. or..
You might be able to use them in another computer..
** If you add more memory than your computer can hold, you might run into problems and start getting BSODs..
You also will be wasting your money, because the computer won't recognize all the extra memory..
When you add the maximum, your computer will still tell you you have less than two GB.. don't worry about that.. I can't remember the whole explanation, but all your memory is there and it's being used..
Another thing... buy the best you can afford.. With computer memory, you get what you pay for.. so this is one time that buying cheap does not pay..
I spent about $250 for the four new ones.. They gave me a list with lots of different cards and prices and I went for the ones that were near the top in price.. If I had the money at the time, I would have bought the best of them..
Good luck!!.. if you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask me..
... And remember.. if this little old grandmother can do it.. you most certainly can do it too!!..