Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
If you don't know, Gordon Gekko was the Wallstreet ASSHOLE in Oliver Stone's Wallstreet movie. But without a doubt Gekko's character is a hero, not a villain on Wallstreet. Holy shit, what an article:
The Virtue of Greed- Capitalism Magazine.
The following quote shows you, the guy is living in a fantasy world. The best example of Capitalism run amok, with the most profit produces for a small group of people was the U.S. in the late 1800s when Robber Barrons abounded:
The Virtue of Greed- Capitalism Magazine.
The author focuses on exchange of commodities, but he talks nothing of paying people a fair wage, enough to live on. And he speaks nothing about regulation. I agree that the human races tends to move forward on what we can do for ourselves, but is this the advanced standard we as an intelligent species want to strive for?YOU CAN CALL IT GREED, selfishness or enlightened self-interest, but the bottom line is that it's these human motivations that get wonderful things done. Unfortunately, many people are naive enough to believe that it's compassion, concern and "feeling another's pain" that's the superior human motivation. As such, we fall easy prey to charlatans, quacks and hustlers. Since it's not considered polite to come out and actually say that greed gets wonderful things done, let me go through a few of the millions of examples.
The following quote shows you, the guy is living in a fantasy world. The best example of Capitalism run amok, with the most profit produces for a small group of people was the U.S. in the late 1800s when Robber Barrons abounded:
So people is greed a virtue? You know the Capitalistic system is based on greed, ie, self enrichment. AND how does this jive with religious teachings that indicate greed is a sin?Free markets, private property rights, voluntary exchange and greed produce preferable outcomes most times and under most conditions.
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