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Good Night and Dissent
part 1 of Majiks special report
This is a special report concerning the state of the world at this present time and unless you have been hibernating in the caves of ignorance for the past decade, the following should be self evident. The world is in a state of total disgrace and though in the United States we are taught early on that other nations are uncivilized heathens and we expect it, this time the barbarianism is at home. The few intellectuals left out in the world will know that this is nothing new and it has been a calculated plot to dumb down America so that the elite can strive in the mis-education of the population. They hide behind veils of secrecy and armored with weapons of patriotism that was not aimed at the enemy but at its own citizens. Today we live in an America only Rod Serling can narrate, an America that George Orwell warned about. Today we live in an America the founding fathers fought against. The remaining remnants of the fabric that made America great is burning on the bonfires of lost liberties for hypothetical freedoms. Yet we live in America and while it has gone through the surgical procedures of a Hollywood doctor it is still a great country. So why do leftist, radicals, humanists, hippies and whatever contrived titles are given to this denomination of people that are apparently none other then lovers of all existence, fighting against their government. A question conservative right wing fanatics are quick to answer. They slander these dissenters with titles unfitting their character by any light. Marxist, Communist, Fascist. Un-American, Unpatriotic and the all encompassing center piece of the mantle, terrorist. Yes our government has waged a war on terrorism who's only victims are the American people, yet the American people unaware of it all by fear of ripping their beliefs systems do not question the apparent alienation of their God given rights. A phrase comes to mind that is most befitting on a t shirt one gets at obscure vacation locations "We went to war with Iraq and all we got was this lousy patriot act." As I write this, it is frightening to grasp the thought that my government that swore to protect me and you and all things encompassed within he boundaries of the 50 states, considers me a terrorist. We have lost our freedoms and are loosing whatever of it is left by the fairy tale of terrorism. I can only thanks the freedom fighters out there that dare speak against their government and dissent as so many of our founding fathers did. We must be reminded that this great nation was founded on the principles of rebellion and uprising, so to now attack dissenters and call them terrorist is to attack the very principle that formed this great nation. A nation built by men that might not have been saints but fought for their and our freedoms, men who fought so that we didn't have too. Now we are the ones fighting the descendants of those men. How many wars must be fought and innocent people die before the president of the (corporations of the) United states of America wake up to his inabilities. We have the equivalent of Mr Magoo running our country, with no foresight or hind sight to guide us out of the mess he has gotten us in. He led us into a war with Iraq based on lies and the attacks on the world trade center is without a doubt an inside job. I wont blame bush because that would be giving him to much credit, but I will blame him for not seeing the corruption outside the field of vision of his ego. Unnecessary American troop lives were lost, not to mention the Iraqi soldier and civilians that also were entangled in the atrocities of our government. The cost of this war could have been used to find a diplomatic solution or to feed the poor many times over.
But now we are stuck in a never ending war, and I will agree that now that we created this mess we cant just back out, We have created more enemies then in any previous moment in history and a new generations of radicals fanatics and Jihadist are growing with the only purpose to seek revenge, and who could blame them, but I wont succumb to bias and say that their is no blame to go around the other side of town. There is a serious problem in the middle east that I feel America can be instrumental in the solution. Maybe the solution would have ended up in a war regardless, but at least that war would have had a clear decisive plan led by a smarter administration, not the bush regime that is comprised of the equivalent of school geeks who grew into power and now seek their revenge. The Middle east is full of Muslim extremist that oppress their own people. A fascist dictatorship that runs off the failed principles of a religion that was concocted from the thoughts of one man. No different then Scientology, Christianity, Judaism and Mormonism. It is time we wake up to the fact that religion and politics are one in the same. Politics, made to rule over men with a physical obsessions and Religion, to rule over those of the spiritual inclination. Either way they are systems of control that need to end. Someone must fight for the people. Some suggest it is the role of the United Nations. The U.N is a good concept at heart but it has failed miserabley. The U. N. is financed based ands whoever finances it the most gets to rule. The U. N. needs to be reformatted and needs to take a step into stopping the injustices in the world and not by American standards but by humanistic standards. We must not stop till the world is free from the oppressions of religion and politics.
Mr. Bush my respect for you is that of fire to water. Non existent. You are the scum of the planet helping the elitist get their Christmas present while the rest of us dream, of a better to morrow. I can only hope that a place like hell exist so that you may find a home next to Hitler and Stalin suffering for every tear you caused and every life you endangered. But I am a reasonable man, prove me wrong Mr. Bush, prove to us this was just a mistake and a misunderstanding. Let us believe in a America again. Let us believe that the American dream exists show us that America is the heart of the world. Show the world That we have evolved past the fight of flight response. That we are capable of reasoning and of diplomatically changing the world to a better place for us all. Show me Mr. bush that we can be brothers in the fight for injustices. Show us Mr. Bush that we are mistaken or the true American patriots will make you understand why becoming the President, was the worst mistake of your life.
Good night and dissent.