Globalization, a Hoax or Real?

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So I was chatting with a guy about globalization. He adamantly believed that there was no globalization that everything was a hoax. No matter how much convincing I had to do, he still thought there was no globalization. He was stubborn to the point thatI couldn't discuss the topic with him anymore, so I decided to move on to another topic.

I personally think globalization is happening, right now and then. With so many people moving around to various countries. Why? Because once a person moves to another country, he or she would bring in also her or his culture (namely religion, eating habits, and etc...) and share it with the people he or she meets. So the globalization continues.

While I think some people have some good influences over some other people's, I don't think one culture should assimilate another completely. And I think the American culture is doing that to many people's culture. For example, when I first moved to Canada, I got assimilated by the Canadian people. I spoke French, and ate whatever they ate. I lost a lot of my Chinese traditional culture, which is a shame this is happening to so many people, but it cannot be avoided if we wanted to survive. I had to learn French if I wanted to live in Canada, I had no other choice. In America, I guess immigrants have to speak English, and not their native tongue.

And I really pity those who's mother tongue is lost, like Filipinos, Spanish Latinos in America and etc. And that's what globalization does to people, it uniformizes them by forcing them to speak the same language, eat the same things and use the same things even.
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There has certainly been an increase in the exchange of cultures on a global scale as the efficiency of travel and intimacy of the internet connects more and more cultures while at the same time a slow dilution of their identities occurs. Some more than others.
Manufacturing/corporations are less restricted by national boundaries as time passes.
Technology and information crosses boarders faster today.
The internet keeps growing on a global scale and affects us all including less technological nations.

IMO, pretty hard to ignore the effects of globalization.

In America, I guess immigrants have to speak English, and not their native tongue.
Oddly, in the US there is no official National legal language.
It's not that uncommon to hear non English spoken in many stores and public places. But English does prevail for the most part as it also does in our courts and legal systems.

The Man

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So I was chatting with a guy about globalization. He adamantly believed that there was no globalization that everything was a hoax. No matter how much convincing I had to do, he still thought there was no globalization. He was stubborn to the point thatI couldn't discuss the topic with him anymore, so I decided to move on to another topic.

I personally think globalization is happening, right now and then. With so many people moving around to various countries. Why? Because once a person moves to another country, he or she would bring in also her or his culture (namely religion, eating habits, and etc...) and share it with the people he or she meets. So the globalization continues.

While I think some people have some good influences over some other people's, I don't think one culture should assimilate another completely. And I think the American culture is doing that to many people's culture. For example, when I first moved to Canada, I got assimilated by the Canadian people. I spoke French, and ate whatever they ate. I lost a lot of my Chinese traditional culture, which is a shame this is happening to so many people, but it cannot be avoided if we wanted to survive. I had to learn French if I wanted to live in Canada, I had no other choice. In America, I guess immigrants have to speak English, and not their native tongue.

And I really pity those who's mother tongue is lost, like Filipinos, Spanish Latinos in America and etc. And that's what globalization does to people, it uniformizes them by forcing them to speak the same language, eat the same things and use the same things even.

By definition we are already basically there


[gloh-buh-luh-zey-shuhn] Show IPA
the act of globalizing, or extending to other or all parts of the world: the globalization of manufacturing.
worldwide integration and development: Globablization has resulted in the loss of some individual cultural identities.
Also, especially British, glob·al·i·sa·tion. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2014.
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World English Dictionary
globalization or globalisation (ˌɡləʊb ə laɪˈzeɪʃən)
— n
1. the process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications
2. the emergence since the 1980s of a single world market dominated by multinational companies, leading to a diminishing capacity for national governments to control their economies
3. the process by which a company, etc, expands to operate internationally
globalisation or globalisation


As far as the social aspect its a little more difficult..for centuries there has been hate wars etc over race and religion for example.
The world in general is far more accepting of different races and cultures than it was at one time IMO.
I think that is a great strive for mankind.
Have some cultures been lost?
Many Brits will tell you that the British culture is pretty much gone due to the large influx of immigration.

Good or bad?..I guess that is a matter of opinion..but if I say moved to say Italy..while I may not be Italian I would choose to live as they do.
If I wanted the culture there to be like America..then in that case I would{should} remain in America.
I sure wouldn't push or demand anything 'In America"
Now in the privacy of my home..I could watch Old John Wayne if available...and eat American food if I am not happy with Italian food.
Here I eat a lot of Chinese and Mexican food..tastes good there are many restaurants that serve the food.

Here in the states a hand your word..a promise..a other counties it may mean nothing..but another act could have the same that case I would have to learn that rather than try to force the handshake on a culture.

I personally do not want to have just one giant culture...would be pretty boring IMO.
Some cultures consider the abuse of women and children to be ok for instance...I can not accept that as part of a giant culture.
As is/ for the most part we can always leave where we at and go to some place else with a different culture.

But yeah..cultures are going to be lost in the future that you can count on.
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I definitely don't think it's a hoax, am a bit dubious about the more extreme claims though which involve conspiracy theories but those aside, definitely you can see the effects of other cultures becoming part of the main one and so forth. Especially on the Internet as on sites like this, it is common to have users from all over the world and you often pick up concepts from others and become exposed to their culture indirectly.

I've imported some products for example due to recommendations from other users on past sites that I've been a member of.


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Hello Naiwen.
From your thread
it appears you don't have much affection for the US ( :D )

Just came to mind........
Is it your intention in this thread to suggest that the US is responsible for spreading US culture through out the world by destroying native cultural values and customs, using the process of globalization?

( that's pretty subtle propaganda if so <wink> )