Get Out There And Suppress the Vote!

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Minor Axis

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Is this legal?? IMO there should be no independent 3rd party groups allowed in or around the polling place unless they've been vetted with the intent to encourage the vote, not intimidate potential voters.

Huffington Post: True The Vote, Tea Party-Connected Group, Trying To Build 'Poll Watching' Network To Inspect Black And Latino Polling Places. I'm honored that this started in Harris County, Texas, (Houston), not...

Bill Ouren,True the Vote's national elections coordinator, is presenting before a group of about 50 recruits in Boca Raton, Fla. He stands beneath a banner bearing his organization's name, alongside that of the Koch brothers' SuperPAC Americans For Prosperity, and the Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity's "Citizen Watchdog," a rightwing group that teaches people how to become "investigative" journalists. He's telling the story of how True the Vote grew from a small posse in Harris County, Texas, in 2009, to a deployed army of over 1,000 poll watchers across most of the state the following year. Ouren brags that the 2010 recruits reported "over 800 individual incidences of voter ... irregularities."

The Raw Story:
Maddow: Tea Party group will use whites to question black voters.

On Monday night’s edition of “The Rachel Maddow Show,” host Rachel Maddow talked about the group True the Vote, and how that group is planning on posting white operatives in black voting precincts on election day to challenge those voters’ authenticity.

Think Progress: Florida Governor Scotts Anti-Voter Effort Grinds Democratic Registration To A Halt.- Hey maybe the GOP will take Florida...

Last July, a Florida voter suppression law — enacted by the state legislature’s Republican majority and signed by Gov. Rick Scott (R) — went into effect, putting major new restrictions on groups who work to register new voters. HB 1355 imposed harsh new restrictions on third-party voter registration groups, requiring them to turn in completed registration forms 48 hours — to the minute — after completion, or face fines. Though the bill was put on hold in late May by a federal judge, a new report shows the damage was done: Democratic voter registration in Florida ground to a virtual standstill.
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