It is a fact that men have more philosophic and material achievements than women, presuming to exclude child-rearing. Anyone familiar with history can not deny this. I think men, on average, have more skill in dealing with and thinking about reality in an objective, rational way whereas women tend to be more concerned and skilled at maintaining social relations. This is an evolutionary trait that derives from the division of labour between hunter/gatherer and child-rearing. A pregnant woman without social support is a dead woman, whereas a man without a solid grasp of material reality will quickly find himself dead (in a historical context). Likewise, a woman can rely on the man's income and the man can rely on the woman for child-rearing purposes. This view is not 'sexist', it is historical and an expected outcome of evolution. Not to mention it is entirely in the experience of most people, being an extremely reason-oriented woman I can tell you damn well that there is a huge gulf about how I look at things and how most women look at things. Most women I know: "But if I speak the truth I'll upset my social group." Me: "So what?"
If this division of labor were not a fact, heterosexuality would be totally inexplicable. Face it: people are not equal, at all, no individual is 'equal' to any other individual. They have differences in ability and preferences and gender has a very strong - though sometimes subtle - influence on how they perceive things. You know why men don't see cheating as a big deal most of the time? Because, to a man, sex can be just sex. To most women, loss of affection triggers a survival mechanism of fear because to lose the sexual interest of a man is to lose one of the strongest bonds which would (historically) have helped to insure a woman's survival. It may be annoying, but historically women DID need protection and support, and men - being stronger and more objectively inclined - were best capable of protecting them from the elements and (of course) other people.
I hate political correctness. Reality does not conform to your mind, your mind must conform itself to reality. I don't care if anybody likes the fact that men are bigger, stronger and engage in more risk-taking (and thus rewarding) behaviour than women on the average. And I don't care if anyone likes the fact that this is typical primate biology, and to one degree or another, it's in most of us. Ignoring these facts are going to lead you to totally retarded conclusions about how things work, it's like trying to build a machinegun out of butter. I hate these emo men with no assertiveness or self-esteem and their single-mom matriarchal lives. It really is a slave mentality. And I hate stupid women who think that the facts are going to change just because they wish more women enjoyed engineering. I wish more people could fly. Reality doesn't fuckin' care what I think.
If this division of labor were not a fact, heterosexuality would be totally inexplicable. Face it: people are not equal, at all, no individual is 'equal' to any other individual. They have differences in ability and preferences and gender has a very strong - though sometimes subtle - influence on how they perceive things. You know why men don't see cheating as a big deal most of the time? Because, to a man, sex can be just sex. To most women, loss of affection triggers a survival mechanism of fear because to lose the sexual interest of a man is to lose one of the strongest bonds which would (historically) have helped to insure a woman's survival. It may be annoying, but historically women DID need protection and support, and men - being stronger and more objectively inclined - were best capable of protecting them from the elements and (of course) other people.
I hate political correctness. Reality does not conform to your mind, your mind must conform itself to reality. I don't care if anybody likes the fact that men are bigger, stronger and engage in more risk-taking (and thus rewarding) behaviour than women on the average. And I don't care if anyone likes the fact that this is typical primate biology, and to one degree or another, it's in most of us. Ignoring these facts are going to lead you to totally retarded conclusions about how things work, it's like trying to build a machinegun out of butter. I hate these emo men with no assertiveness or self-esteem and their single-mom matriarchal lives. It really is a slave mentality. And I hate stupid women who think that the facts are going to change just because they wish more women enjoyed engineering. I wish more people could fly. Reality doesn't fuckin' care what I think.