Fundamental Absurdity Of Islam

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Peter Parka

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For millions of Muslims around the world Muhammad is to be respected,
obeyed, and venerated. Koran requires that Muslims should “obey Allah
and Muhammad”, “believe in Allah and Muhammad”, And that “swearing
alligiance to Muhammad is to swear allegiance to Allah”, and that
one has no choice when “Muhammad and Allah have decided a matter”.
Koran equates “belief”, “allegiance” and “authority” to Muhammad
on an equal footing with Allah. [Q: 4.136, 9.71, 4.13, 4.14, 48. 13,
8. 20, 49. 14, 57. 28, 4. 80, 33. 36, 48. 10, 5. 33, 5. 34, 4. 64.]

But how was Muhammad in reality ??? Here is the darker side of Muhammad:


(1) Primary list of Muhammad’s wives and concubines 13. These are the women
who may be regarded having been properly united to Muhammad.
These are: 1:Khadija, 2:Sawdah, 3:Aishah, 4:Hafsah, 5:Umm Salamah, 6:Zaynab,
7:Juwayriyah, 8:Zaynab, 9:Mariyah, 10:Umm Habibah, 11:Safiyah, 12:Maymunah,

(2) Secondary list of marriages which did not last: 16. This list includes
women with whom Muhammad did not have a lasting union. These are:
1:Asma bint an-Numan, 2:Qutaylah bint Qays, 3:Mulaykah bint Ka’b,
4:Bint Jundub b. Damrah, 5:Fatimah bint ad-Dahhak, 6:Amrah bint Yazid,
7:Aliyah bint Zabyan, 8:Saba bint Sufyan, 9:Nashah bint Rifaah,
10:Ghaziyah bint Jabir, 11:Fatimah bint Shurayh, 12:Sana bint as-Salt,
13:ash-Shanba bint Amr, 14:Khawlah bint al-Hudhayl, 15:Sharaf bint Khalifah,
16:Khawlah bint Hakim.

(3) Third list of women Muhammad considered marrying: 7. The marriage plans
were however not carried out for a variety of reasons. These are:
1:Habibah bint Sahl, 2:Layla bint al-Khatim, 3:Umm Hani bint Abi Talib,
4:Umm Habib bint al-Abbas, 5: ubbah bint Amir, 6:Safiyah bint Bashshamah,
7:Ammarah bint Hamzah.

In addition Koran allows all Muslim men free sexual access to slave girls.
Koran also at one point strictly forbids Muhammad from taking more
wives [Q:33.52]. But this did not alter his behavior. He simply neglected
Koran’s admonition. Note also that Muhammad married the wife of his adopted
son, and Aisha was only 6 when the marriage with Muhammad was ”bespoken”.

Sources giving names, dates and details:
Ibn Sa'd: Tabaqat
Tabari : Ta'rikh ar-Rusul wa 'l-Muluk


Koran allows Muhammad to take a part of the booty from his many robbing
and looting raids and wars. The first raid conducted by Muhammad was at
Naklah. The intention was purely the robbing of a caravan. It took place
when all hostilities were strictly forbidden because of the sacred Month.
This is the first Muslim raid and robbery.

Muhammad conducted more than 70 raids and wars in a period of 20 years.
Al-Waqidi lists 74. Seven of these are assigned to the first 15 months
of Hijrah. These were all primarily “robbing” raids. The basic data is
derived from the following references. Except for slight discrepances,
both of which confirm the data.

Al-Waqidi: Kitab al-Maghazi.
Ibn Ishaq: Kitab Sirat Rasul Allah


Muhammad bears the responsibility for the murder of Asma bint Marwan,
Abu Afak and Ka’b b. al-Ashraf.

The murder of Asma bint Marwan is reflected in the following hadith:
“When the apostle heard what she had said he said, "Who will rid me of
Marwan's daughter?" Umayr b. Adiy al-Khatmi who was with him heard him,
and that very night he went to her house and killed her. In the morning
he came to the apostle and told him what he had done and he [Muhammad]
said, "You have helped God and His apostle, O Umayr!" When he asked if
he would have to bear any evil consequences the apostle said, "Two goats
won't butt their heads about her", so Umayr went back to his people.”
["Sirat Rasul Allah" by Ibn Ishaq, translated by A. Guillaume, as
"The Life of Mohammad". page 675.]

In an almost identical situation, the poet Abu Afak, reputedly over a
hundred years old, raised Muhammad’s ire. Muhammad exclaimed: "Who will
avenge me on this scoundrel?" and Salim ibn Umayr was the helper of Muhammad.

Muhammad has also advocated the murder of apostates, and dogs. In FIKH
the Hanafi, Shii, Malikis agree that the adult male apostate must be put to death.


Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6, and consummated the marriage when
she was 9. Muhammad used to play with Aisha and her dolls, and her child
friends, and their children’s games. Accounts of Aisha’s interaction with
Muhammad’s household confirm basic data about her age.

As noted by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawod, Tabari, an-Nasa'i, Ibh Majah,
Prof Nabia Abbott, Prof Magali Morsy: Muhammad at 50 married Aisha when
she was 6 years old, and consummated the marraige 3 years later:

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3310:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace
be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to
his house when I was nine years old.

Prof Nabia Abbott (Turkish muslim): Aisha the Beloved of Muhammad
Prof Magali Morsy (Moroccan muslim): Wives of the Prophet
W M Watt: Encyclopedia of Islam.
H U Rahman: A Chronology of Islamic History.
Sahih Bukhari [5:235, 7:18, 5:236, 7:64, 7:65, 7:88, 8:151, 5:234,
1.270, 3:36, 7:6, 3:148, 3:149, 3:150, 7:142]
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Anti Islam propaganda. Why are you believing this, Peter? Read the Quarn and enlighten yourself. I have a copy of it myself and I found that what most people say is in the Quran is either not in it or it is but has been taken out of context.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Anti Islam propaganda. Why are you believing this, Peter? Read the Quarn and enlighten yourself. I have a copy of it myself and I found that what most people say is in the Quran is either not in it or it is but has been taken out of context.

So care to show me where this is wrong then?


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well, its no secret that Islam spread through war in a lot of regions. North Africa was totally converted through war.

And after the fall of Rome, Europe was converted to Christianity how again?

There's a degree of absurdity in all faiths. Faith itself is absurd. Save your hate for someone who actually deserves it.

All Else Failed

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well yeah I'm not denying that a lot of the major faiths committed atrocities to spread their faith. i was just talking about Islam in particular.


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this so untrue
if Mohamed was a woman lover he should have married the youngest and most beautiful girls
but the fact says that all of his wifes are widows all diforced woman and they were older than him
exept from Aicha
Mohamed has married only once as a man
and it was khadija
and all other marriages were for a reason
not for sexual desires
Moahamed didnt murder anybody in whole his life exept from one who was a very bad person and it was in a middle a batle
Mohamed is no theif
he is the one who saved the world from ignorance and immorality
let me tell u something
u know nothing about Islam
but u are an anti_islam thing
if u want read more about it
cause u have the very wrong idea
and visit a muslim country to know with whom u are dealing


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Anti Islam propaganda. Why are you believing this, Peter? Read the Quarn and enlighten yourself. I have a copy of it myself and I found that what most people say is in the Quran is either not in it or it is but has been taken out of context.

That is true, wonder why he doesn't want to know the truth of islam, he doesn't know that this stupid topic is totally wrong ... weird


DT3's Twinkie
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OKay I lied, here's a prime example of the brutal belief system

"Honor" Murders – Why the Perps Get off Easy

by Yotam Feldner
Middle East Quarterly
December 2000

"Honor" Murders – Why the Perps Get off Easy - Middle East Quarterly

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On May 31, 1994, Kifaya Husayn, a 16-year-old Jordanian girl, was lashed to a chair by her 32-year-old brother. He gave her a drink of water and told her to recite an Islamic prayer. Then he slashed her throat. Immediately afterward, he ran out into the street, waving the bloody knife and crying, 'I have killed my sister to cleanse my honor.' Kifaya's crime? She was raped by another brother, a 21-year-old man. Her judge and jury? Her own uncles, who convinced her eldest brother that Kifaya was too much of a disgrace to the family honor to be allowed to live."[1] The murderer was sentenced to fifteen years, but the sentence was subsequently reduced to seven and a half years, an extremely severe penalty by Jordanian standards.
Today, honor killings are prevalent mostly among Muslim populations.2 This article analyzes the social, legal, and religious circumstances of honor-killings in one Muslim state—Jordan—where, according to official Jordanian reports, honor crimes lead to the death of 20–25 women yearly. (The real number is probably much higher, with murders hidden as suicide or accidents; a 1998 State Department report estimates the annual number at about 100.)3 Jordan is of particular interest because of a campaign launched in the summer of 1999 to abolish the reduced penalties for honor crimes, which encountered fierce opposition by conservative forces in the Jordanian parliament. This debate made explicit arguments which are normally kept quiet and has implications for Muslims everywhere, including in the West. The article also includes examples from Egyptian and Palestinian societies.


DT3's Twinkie
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Does Islam Endorse Honor Killing?
What is the Islamic view on honor killing? The answer to this question depends on whether one adopts a legalistic or a cultural approach in defining Islam. The Jordanian campaign regarding Article 340 generated a revealing dispute among Muslim authorities regarding Islam's role in the evolution of honor killings. The state's religious establishment asserts that honor killing is unconnected to the Islamic religion; in contrast, the Islamist party in the Jordanian parliament sees honor killings as part of Islam's code.

The religious establishment in Jordan views honor killing as a remnant of pre-Islamic Arab tribalism, for Islam prohibits the "taking of the law into one's own hands." The Jordanian king's advisor on Islamic affairs, Sheikh 'Izz ad-Din at-Tamimi, stated that if a woman is proven guilty of adultery, the person entitled to carry out her punishment is "a specialized employee" designated by the government for such a purpose.31 The prohibition on taking the law into one's own hands does not amount to a moral denunciation of honor crimes; rather, it is a criticism of the technical transgression of authority. This notion is conventional in the Arab world; thus Egypt's Ifta ' Council of Al-Azhar University, a leading religious authority of Sunni Islam, issued a fatwa stating that applying the punishment on a female caught committing adultery or found in an adulterous situation, "should be up to the ruler."32 Following this same logic, the mufti of Gaza, Sheikh 'Abd al-Karim Kahlut, goes so far as to demand the death penalty for honor murderers, because "they are not authorized to carry out [the punishment] on the women. "33

Religious officials have only minor disagreements regarding the proper Islamic punishment the state should level at adulterers. Hamdi Murad, an official at the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf explains that if an adulterer, male or female, has a previously unblemished reputation, the proper Islamic punishment is one hundred lashes, while if the adulterer's reputation is blemished, the punishment is stoning to death.34 The Jordanian minister of awqaf (religious foundations), 'Abd as-Salam 'Abadi, finds that in the case of an unmarried female adulterer, "the Shari'a is clear and she should be lashed eighty times."35

The Jordanian Islamic Action Front (IAF) disagrees. In the heat of the Jordanian debate, this parliamentary coalition of several Islamist groups, most of whom affiliate with the Muslim Brethren, issued a fatwa that declared honor-killings are seen as favorable by Islam; male relatives should punish their female relatives and not leave this duty to the state. Ibrahim Zayd al-Kaylani, head of the IAF's Ifta ' committee, said that a man who restrains himself from committing an honor killing, leaving this unpleasant burden to the government, "negates the values of virility advocated by Islam." Article 340, Kaylani added, is based on "the Islamic principle that allows a Muslim to defend his honor, property, and blood."36 Muhammad 'Uwayda, dean of Zarqa University's Shari'a College and a member of the lower house, stated that while the Shari'a does prohibit individuals from taking the law into their own hands, "cases where a man catches his wife committing adultery are the exception."37 The IAF issued a fatwa to the effect that "canceling Article 340 would contradict the Shari'a."38 Thus the Jordanian Islamic Movement has suddenly declared that honor-killings are part of Islamic dogma rather than a detestable remnant of tribal paganism.

The Islamic establishment adopts a legalistic approach to the teachings of Islam, arguing that honor killings are not prescribed in the Qur'an. The Islamists, in contrast, see honor killings in the cultural context of Islamic teachings and find it consistent with "the values of virility."


DT3's Twinkie
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An Islamic Practice?
For several reasons, the Islamists' view of the relation between Islam and honor killings is more connected to the reality of religious influence on the practice of honor murders than that of the religious establishment. In other words, the influence of Islam on the conduct of Muslims is not limited to what is written in sacred texts; rather, it includes cultural perceptions of Islam. First, there is the fact, noted above, that the Jordanian public and its elected representatives by a nearly 2:1 margin endorse men punishing their women-folk. This custom is, in other words, deeply rooted in a devout society that does not view honor killing as an aberration from the teachings of Islam. Indeed, it is not uncommon to hear honor murderers claim that they believe what they did was part of their religion.39

Second, if honor killing originated in pre-Islamic Arab tribalism, it has long since been incorporated into Islamic society and thereby become common throughout the Muslim world, including India,40 Pakistan, Turkey, and the Balkans. In Muslim Kosovo, for instance, thousands of Muslim women raped by Serbs during the war were abandoned by their husbands. Indeed, as one observer noted, most victims do not report the crimes because in Albanian society rape brings shame on the victims. Women who gave birth as a result of the rape, abandoned their babies and escaped from the hospital to live, "with no identity to prevent the disclosure of their situation, which would turn their life into hell."41

Third, honor killings fit into a wider pattern of customs that flow from the texture of Muslim life without specifically being required by Islam, yet still enjoy the blessing of Muslim authorities. Female circumcision, now more often known as female genital mutilation, is another example: common mostly in Muslim African countries, it is not mentioned in Islam's sacred texts and did not originate in Islam. Yet in those countries, religious authorities associate this practice with Islam. In other words, female genital mutilation, a clearly pre-Islamic custom, was adopted by modern Islamic authorities, who declared female circumcision to be worthy Islamic conduct. Mufti Sa'id al-Hijawi of Jordan, referring to the practice of female circumcision in one tribe at the Rahma village in south Jordan, ruled that female circumcision is "a noble trait accepted by Islam even though it is not a necessity."42

This fatwa is in line with the rulings of many senior Egyptian Islamic authorities in recent decades. Former Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Jadd al-Haq 'Ali Jadd al-Haq, for example, ruled in 1983 that it is impossible to abandon the lessons of the Prophet Muhammad in favor of the teachings of others, even doctors, because medical science evolves and does not remain constant. The responsibility of female circumcision lies with the parents and with those in charge of the girl's welfare. Those who do not abide by it do not do their duty.43

It is noteworthy that Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid at-Tantawi issued a contradictory fatwa in his former capacity as grand mufti of Egypt stating that the decision on female circumcision should defer to the opinion of doctors.44

Sheikh Tantawi still holds to this fatwa as the current Sheikh of Al-Azhar.

Fourth, it bears noting that the policy of "not taking the law into one's own hands," which dominates Islamic authorities' circles, is less than an unequivocal moral and religious prohibition of honor murder. The refusal of Islamic authorities to unambiguously denounce honor killings signals to the public that this practice does not necessarily contradict Islam.

Fifth, the already ambiguous Islamic objection to honor killings becomes even less effective when considering the way mainstream Islamic scholars interpret the Qur'anic verse (4:34) that legitimates wife-beating. This verse states: "Men are responsible for women... So virtuous women obey [their husbands]... Admonish those of them on whose part you apprehend disobedience, and keep them out of your bed, and beat them." Various Islamic rulers have contemplated this verse in an attempt to regulate the beatings. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, dean of Shari'a at the University of Qatar and a leader of the Muslim Brethren, advocates non-painful beating:
If the husband senses that feelings of disobedience and rebelliousness are rising against him in his wife, he should try his best to rectify her attitude by kind words, gentle persuasion, and reasoning with her. If this is not helpful, he should sleep apart from her, trying to awaken her agreeable feminine nature so that serenity may be restored, and she may respond to him in a harmonious fashion. If this approach fails, it is permissible for him to beat her lightly with his hands, avoiding her face and other sensitive parts. In no case should he resort to using a stick or any other instrument that might cause pain and injury.45
Other Islamic scholars have come up with their own recommendations on wife-beating. Some rule out the breaking of bones and stress that in no case should the beatings be accompanied with "verbal assault."46 The Islamic rulings section of the Palestinian Authority's daily newspaper forbids stabbing.47 There is a consensus that the husband should avoid leaving bruises on his wife's body, and all scholars agree that wife-beating is the husband's last resort. Still, it is recommended when a couple finds itself on the verge of divorce: "It is better for the husband to beat his wife a little, to make her feel she was wrong, than to destroy the family through divorce."48

The faith, in short, cannot be confined to the narrow boundaries of the Qur'an and other early holy sources. It includes developments and interpretations that occurred after the sacred texts appeared. If this cultural reading of the teachings of Islam is accepted, then the role of the mainstream Islamic establishment itself is revealed in nurturing the "values of virility" that lead to honor killings.


DT3's Twinkie
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Chew on those for a while. And don't think insulting me will make me change my views. Intimidation, torture, murder and corruption...

Yep....It's religion alright


DT3's Twinkie
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The honor murder phenomenon has become a social plague in many Muslim societies around the world. Despite its clear pre-Islamic pagan origins, contemporary Islamic authorities usually refrain from unequivocally condemning it. Some important Islamic scholars in Jordan have even gone further by declaring honor-crimes an Islamic imperative that derives from the "values of virility advocated by Islam." This unwelcome development does not come as a surprise when the almost consensual approval of both Muslim public and leadership is considered. It may be a while before reduced sentences for honor murderers are abolished from the laws of Arab states. Yet the campaign against Article 340 of the Jordanian penal code has already proved successful in at least one important aspect: it shattered the silence that shielded these atrocities.


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Chew on those for a while. And don't think insulting me will make me change my views. Intimidation, torture, murder and corruption...

Why insulting you ? Do you think this stupid anti-islamic propaganda will make me angry ? I absolutely do not care ! and I shouldn't take the truth of Islam from who has all this hatred against it ! wake up :thumbup