Fast and furious was only under Obama's administration. Operation Wide Receiver was under the Bush administration.
There was a difference between the two operations. Under Wide Receiver, there was a goal and a plan. And the ATF attempted to intercept firearms before they went across the border. And the operation was done in cooperation with the Mexican authorities. They had a failure when they allowed a shipment of illegal firearms to go across the border. But this failure was mainly due to the Mexican authorities. Our government notified the Mexican authorities, but they failed to intercept them. At that time, the ATF shut down operation Wide Receiver.
Then a few years later under the Obama administration, the ATF ran Fast and Furious....and it was basically Wide Receiver on steroids with no controls in place. Local ATF officials were ordered to back off of their surveillance of firearms. And they did not notify the Mexican authorities at all.
And there is the rub. Under Fast and Furious, the federal government had full knowledge that guns were moving to Mexico, and did nothing to attempt to stop the shipments. They did not inform the Mexican Government at all. They basically watched as known straw purchases were going on in violation of federal law, and then did nothing about it. In fact, they ordered the surveillance to stop, and ordered local authorities to not attempt to stop the firearms from entering a foreign country. And over 2000 firearms(that we know of) walked across during this operation and went right into the drug cartels hands. If another country did this to us, we would be screaming bloody murder.
The reason that Holder was held in contempt though was because he has refused to turn over certain documents to the house oversight committee.