Eric Holder/Defending Your Self While Getting Your Head Smashed Is Not Necessary

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The Man

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WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday called the killing of Trayvon Martin a "tragic, unnecessary shooting," and said the Justice Department will follow "the facts and the law" as it reviews evidence to see whether federal criminal charges are warranted.

Incredible he is claiming it was an unnecessary shooting !
Lets see Zimmerman was attacked and brutally assaulted....Martin would not stop while Zimmerman was screaming for help.
Zimmerman was on his way back to his SUV when martin came back up to the T.

Eric holder is saying 6 women are wrong these 6 women are also mothers....These 6 women heard all the BS the state presented and determined it was necessary as George was saving himself from severe injury or death while shooting.

The state even didnt go for a hate crime !! the edited tapes that the media released early on were just that edited.
The dispatcher asked George if the suspect was black white or Hispanic...Zimmerman said "he looks black"
Not that it really matters anyway even if he had said there is a suspicious looking guy then went on to describe him as black as they are going to ask anyway !!!!

If this shit goes through and you are a security guard, watchman, good neighbor or what have you and you see a non white suspicious guy possibly scoping units in the rain in a gated not make that phone this is about the call not the shooting{the shooting is a result of the call}...seeing a suspicious minority}
To further martin had no way of knowing that dispatch said "we dont need you to do that"...again not that it really matters.
Do we want people to be able to smash someones head AFTER they looked to see where you ran to...not during but after...remember Martin came back.
This will mean you can claim someone was following you prior /so you went up to them and started smashing their head and it will be legal !.....Using case law to get away with it..If Zimmerman is charged by holder and convicted that is the end result...As that case law will apply....This is very very disturbing.
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I doubt this new charge will hold water.
If you watched the Today Show this morning they talked about Anderson Cooper's CNN interview with a juror(37)... which is unbelievable boo hoo.
She said about jurors considering second degree or manslaughter,including acquittal.
You have to wonder what swayed the others to agree on the acquittal ?

Is this a race issue ?
lets say it's understood.
Comments ?
Anyone ?

The Man

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IMO its not a race issue on Zimmerman's Police sent a unit out for his call...which was placed on the non emergency line by Zimmerman.
If effect the police also found it suspicious according to description and location given by Zimmerman in the gated community.
Its really about the call not the martin was shot while Zimmerman was protecting himself.
So is the call a violation of martins rights?........IMO no are we not supposed to call in someone we find suspicious because they are a minority?
But lets say they claim he called because he was black...Is that a violation of Martins rights.
Could get sticky.........As Zimmerman wasnt calling in to report the description of a known burglar...but rather said this guy looked suspicious.{which he did}.
So is it a civil rights violation to act indifferently of someone according to race.....Technically no and yes
But where does it stop?....Would it be a civil right violation if you locked your doors before going through a rough neighborhood.
Or refusing to let a young black man a minute after closing time in a store but let a white man in the day before?

People talk about profiling.
People do profile as it is merely an odds game.
All agency's use it....thats a fact.
If its a bank robbery the are looking for middle aged plus white men.
Drive bys young to middle age black men.
So onto the night when zimmerman saw martin
Young black man in a hoodie looking at units.
Far less suspicious than say a black female in a hoodie looking.
Or an old white woman per say.
We are profiled all the time....younger people are more apt to be a traffic stop for instance as it may lead to a drug arrest or bad plates no insurance etc.
They call it good police work..not profiling lol.
The color of the skin is just one of the considerations taken into account of "likeliness of" need in everyone denying it lol....wait you have to deny it !
For all these people out there that say it s wrong...well it is and it isnt...should you not be able to trust your own judgments?
Its all about odds "likeliness of"
If one lived in a gated apt complex that had been suffering burglaries and home invasions are they going to worry more about the eighty year old white woman in a hoodie looking about...or a young black man in a hoodie looking about....especially given the fact that young black man had been getting arrested at the complex.

I am fortunate where I am at as the blacks commit fewer crimes per capita than whites...although they are catching up....but several years ago they committed roughly one percent of the crimes but but make up more than 10 percent of the population.
Almost all crimes related to theft etc were white males 17 to it would be a matter of seeing a white young man with a hoodie looking at units.
And hope a black man saw him lol
But they are catching up as I type.
But in a major city over..its just the has got just plum nasty in the last couple decades{black crime}
Its is {was} a soft city...very liberal..and the races got along great a couple decades back....Use the N word in any form would get you some disappointing looks.
It is now a drug hub for the two other major jackings drive bys and robberies are terrible....but still is not a city of racial tension.
It just depends on where you go as to how some races act.....I can go from where I am at to 100 miles of the west of me and the blacks are a better class of people...not money wise..but friendly and honest call in a suspicious black would get you laughed at.
South of me is different and issues are occurring..
Am I racist as I trust a black man more in my own community?..while I am not black?
Am I a racist if I go back to the city I lived in and I trust the black man less?
IMO a person should be able to determine who they think is suspicious by area itself.
But lets go further...lets say you are in a crime free wouldnt think anything of someone in a hoodie looking at units in the rain.
Suspicions happen because crime has been happening...the more crime the easier for someone to look suspicious to you.
I can see the frustration...this was a rather nice gated apt complex...that in short time become a heavy crime zone.
The feds might be able to pull this off by saying he had an indifference to blacks and he may have...not in regard that he hated em...but just saw young ones in hoodies in the rain scoping units as suspicious.
Or that he over reacted in the fight and killed trayvon intentionally.
We already see what the Govt can do as they tried to convict Zimmerman of murder when they couldn't even write a proper complaint.
If the DOJ goes after Zimmerman it will be something just as lame I am sure.
They should just let it go and let it simmer was a good shoot that is all that should matter.
To prosecute Zimmerman causes further divide among race not cure any problems that may exist.
Just a series of events that led to the tragedy.
Had zimmerman known he would have been attacked he would have stayed in the SUV IMO
Had Martin known he was going to get shot while smashing his head...he would have walked in the house instead back up to the T where Zimmerman was.
Martin certainly had a right to run when he saw Zimmerman on the phone.
Zimmerman had the right to see where he ran to.
All of this could have been avoided if martin just went about his business when he saw Zimmerman on the phone rather than run.
When the police arrived they would have asked Martin a couple you live here etc..and that would have been the end of it.
Had he run when seeing the Police they would have become very suspicious and locate him if possible.
Personally I do not see why they even want to consider further prosecution.
Be men and say the following below
The case was tried in a state court and 6 people agreed who heard the facts that it was justifiable self defense.
Zimmerman did nothing illegal by seeing where martin ran to...its what watchman do..although they are not to arrest or detain.
It was shown that Zimmerman was on his way back to his SUV when the altercation took place.
It was shown Martin went to Zimmerman while he was going back to his SUV.
It was shown that Zimmerman was beaten and his head had been hit against the sidewalk numerous times.
It was shown that cries of help for the fight to stop did not bring anyone to stop the fight.
It was shown martin had no injuries other than the gunshot.
The original conclusion by the original DA and detectives was correct...No crime has been committed here..This fact needs to be accepted.

However we will be bring charges against the county where Zimmerman was charged as he had his civil rights violated by said county...he was treated indifferently and with prejudice because he shot a man of color in self defense.;)