1.Eggs help you feel full longer
Eggs are rich in essential proteins and the fats in them keep you energy level high for a longer time period. This keeps your stomach full, and you do not feel hungry at midday. So there is no reason for you have brunches or snacks at 11 or 12 am.
2.Eggs aid in weight loss
Eggs keep you satiated till afternoon, and prevent you from indulging in midday snacks. So there is a higher chance that you will lose more weight than someone who had bagels for breakfast.
3.Eggs are one of the best sources of protein
Certain amino acids are vital for the human body, and must be present in your meal if you want to have a balanced diet. Eggs contain all these proteins.
4.Eggs are economical
There are other protein enriched foods as well such as red meat, but eggs are the cheapest option among these.
5.Eggs will not fuel your cholesterol levels
Eggs may contain a lot of cholesterol, but the amount of cholesterol you intake does not affect the cholesterol present in your blood. This means that by eating eggs you are not putting yourself at any health risks.
6.Eggs improve your brain and memory
Choline enhances development of the brain, and improves its function. It also helps you in remembering and recalling things easily. Eggs contain significant amounts of this nutrient.
7.Eggs are good for your eyesight
Eggs contain two important antioxidants which are zeaxanthin and leutin. These protect your eyes from UV exposure. They also reduce chances of cataracts formation when you grow old.
8.Eggs are ready to eat in less than five minutes
Whether you like them boiled or consume them after frying on the stove, eggs take only five minutes or so to cook.