Gesture Search is cool - the screen becomes like this notepad and you write letters with your hand and it pulls up everything in your phone with that letter. So if you were to write "O" then "f" offtopicz would probably come up
Shopper is awesome - you can take a picture of car codes and it will search local and internet places where you can get that project and give you prices
Shazam - it will listen to a song and give you the name, the artist, the album and where you can get it
"Movies" - lists local theaters, upcoming movies in theaters and on DVD - has trailers reviews and all kinds of stuff!
Droid Light - may not be an app - may just come with it
The games I like are mahjong, soduko and Bitblocks - (tetris)
almost all the apps that search have voice search - the google and browser definitely do
it's a way cool phone
he was going to get a cover for the sreen, but apparently the screen is made out of the toughest material out there so it won't scratch
he has tried buying covers for it offline and from verizon, but he said don't waste your money because they are shitty and will just come off.
he did buy a case for it - it wraps the body in this rubber type thing - and it's kick ass - he got it from amazon its made by seidio mtd - he researched it first - this one is the only one that got a good review