Do You get Stuck in the Middle of Family Fights?

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I am curious to know if anyone else has this issue that I have. I tend to get in the middle of family fiights, even when the fight doesn't concern me. Somehow I end up in the middle, either while the fight is taking place or after the fact with people yelling at me. I don't know if this has to do with the fact that I come across as the one who wants to be the mediator or the peace maker, but something always puts me in the middle. Even when I try to stay out of it, somehow there I am.

There have been times when these situations get ugly, and it becomes ugly for me. I have actually had a situation where I was so in the middle that I was told to pick a side, and if I didn't go with a paritcular side then that family member was cutting me off completely because then I condoned what happened. When all was resolved the person did say they were sorry for saying this to me, but at the time it was not a great place to be. I felt a little like one of those kids stuck in the middle of an ugly divorce, yet no one was getting a divorce here, and I am a grown woman. But this was how I was made to feel at the time. Anyway, I just wondered if anyone else here has had the same probelm of getting stuck in the middle of fights that aren't about you but somehow your family or even friends put you there.
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I definitely have. I always seem to end up in the middle of fights, especially between my mom and my brother or my mom and dad. Especially when they were going through the initial separation and I was only 15, it was so frustrating. Even before that though I was still in the middle, and to this day I still continue to be. Yet when I get into a fight with someone in my family, no one ever ends up in the middle of that one. So frustrating.


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Normally I'm the getting blamed for but getting stuck? Um... not one I can think of but I did one time with my friend.


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I'm used to getting sucked into a family feud. I had seen a lot of violence and was thus afraid of any fights in my household. However, things do not go as planned, therefore it is appropriate to go deeply into one's own beliefs in order to cope with the difficulties of working for the right thing.


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I am curious to know if anyone else has this issue that I have. I tend to get in the middle of family fiights, even when the fight doesn't concern me. Somehow I end up in the middle, either while the fight is taking place or after the fact with people yelling at me. I don't know if this has to do with the fact that I come across as the one who wants to be the mediator or the peace maker, but something always puts me in the middle. Even when I try to stay out of it, somehow there I am.

There have been times when these situations get ugly, and it becomes ugly for me. I have actually had a situation where I was so in the middle that I was told to pick a side, and if I didn't go with a paritcular side then that family member was cutting me off completely because then I condoned what happened. When all was resolved the person did say they were sorry for saying this to me, but at the time it was not a great place to be. I felt a little like one of those kids stuck in the middle of an ugly divorce, yet no one was getting a divorce here, and I am a grown woman. But this was how I was made to feel at the time. Anyway, I just wondered if anyone else here has had the same probelm of getting stuck in the middle of fights that aren't about you but somehow your family or even friends put you there.
It is not ordinary for people to feel trapped in the middle of family arguments or confrontations, even when they strive to avoid them. It can be difficult when family members or friends want you to take sides or resolve an issue that does not directly touch you.