DNC will refuse funds from lobbyists, PACs

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Having way too much fun
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By Matt Kelley said:
WASHINGTON — Barack Obama put his stamp on the party Thursday, announcing the Democratic National Committee would no longer accept donations from political action committees or federal lobbyists. That brings the party in line with his campaign's policy.
The DNC also brought in Paul Tewes, who directed Obama's come-from-behind victory in Iowa, to oversee party operations.
Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, told a town hall meeting in Bristol, Va., Thursday that the fundraising changes will help keep him and Democrats free of special-interest influence. "We are going to change how Washington works," he said.
The Democrats' move is largely symbolic, since lobbyists are not a major source of contributions, said Sheila Krumholz of the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Employees of the 10 largest lobbying firms have given $104,300 to the DNC and $37,400 to the Republican National Committee during this election cycle, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data compiled by the nonpartisan CQ MoneyLine. That includes those employees who are not lobbyists.

Read the rest of the story here...

So what are your thoughts on this? No more big money from corporations, PAC's, lobbyists or even unions.
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I think it's complex. On the one hand, I would love to see politics separated from business 100%. On the other hand, if it's left 100% up to the individual, than the rich guys are going to have a lot more say than the poor guys.

The specific change this article is talking about is going to be a fantastic talking point, but it isn't really going to change the amount of money they pull in, so even though I would give it a thumbs up, but would hold back the enthusiastic head nod that would sometimes accompany such a gesture. :D


Having way too much fun
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It's a good start. He showed that it could be done in his run for the president with 1.5 million donors giving more than a quarter of a billion dollars.

Now that he is the leader of the Democratic National Committee, he has the power to do this and it's a good first step. But this is all he is capable of right now. Maybe he will take it even further once he is in the oval office.

I know it's not a fix to the problem, far from it, but it's a big step in the right direction.


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I'm impressed by it, but it doesn't change the fact that I disagree with him on at least 90% of the issues :dunno


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Like what in particular?
Legalized abortion, any type of nationalized healthcare, giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, any type of program to give citizenship to illegal immigrants already in this country, not drilling in ANWR, setting a date to withdraw from Iraq, gun control, closing Guantanamo Bay, opposing water-boarding, as well as many others.

I'm also disgusted by his relationship with Bill Ayers and don't believe a word he's said about Jeremiah Wright.


Having way too much fun
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Can we look on these points 1 at a time?

Legalized abortion,
It's already legal. But this is his stance from his site
Supports a Woman’s Right to Choose:

Barack Obama understands that abortion is a divisive issue, and respects those who disagree with him. However, he has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in that case.

Preventing Unwanted Pregnancy:

Barack Obama is an original co-sponsor of legislation to expand access to contraception, health information and preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies. Introduced in January 2007, the Prevention First Act will increase funding for family planning and comprehensive sex education that teaches both abstinence and safe sex methods. The Act will also end insurance discrimination against contraception, improve awareness about emergency contraception, and provide compassionate assistance to rape victims.
any type of nationalized healthcare,

I think this would be great if done right... We are the wealthiest country in the world, there is absolutely no reason any one of our citizens should go without the best. Yet with the free market the way it is here, we rate lower than most large countries when it comes to care

giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, any type of program to give citizenship to illegal immigrants already in this country,
This is not his stance... This is where he stands on this issue.
Create Secure Borders

Obama wants to preserve the integrity of our borders. He supports additional personnel, infrastructure and technology on the border and at our ports of entry.
Improve Our Immigration System

Obama believes we must fix the dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy and increase the number of legal immigrants to keep families together and meet the demand for jobs that employers cannot fill.
Remove Incentives to Enter Illegally

Obama will remove incentives to enter the country illegally by cracking down on employers who hire undocumented immigrants.
Bring People Out of the Shadows

Obama supports a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens.
Work with Mexico

Obama believes we need to do more to promote economic development in Mexico to decrease illegal immigration.

not drilling in ANWR,

Drilling in Anwar in not even a band-aid to the problem. It will take 7-8 years to start getting oil if we drilled today. And it only has enough oil to supply the US for a year, 2 at best estimate.

setting a date to withdraw from Iraq,

We need out, and the majority of the country agrees.

gun control,

I'm a gun owner, a semi automatic 9mm that can't be used for hunting, with a large capacity clip. I am also concerned about politicians trying to take guns out of law abiding citizens. But that's not his stance. He wants to crack down on those who get the guns into the hands of criminals. He wants to make it harder for THEM to get them, not us. I support that view.

closing Guantanamo Bay, opposing water-boarding, as well as many others.

The US is bound by international law concerning water-boarding... So it's wrong to follow the law?


Having way too much fun
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But that's the thing... different people have different views. It's actually good for the country. :D


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Can we look on these points 1 at a time?

It's already legal. But this is his stance from his site
Supports a Woman’s Right to Choose:

Barack Obama understands that abortion is a divisive issue, and respects those who disagree with him. However, he has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in that case.

Preventing Unwanted Pregnancy:

Barack Obama is an original co-sponsor of legislation to expand access to contraception, health information and preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies. Introduced in January 2007, the Prevention First Act will increase funding for family planning and comprehensive sex education that teaches both abstinence and safe sex methods. The Act will also end insurance discrimination against contraception, improve awareness about emergency contraception, and provide compassionate assistance to rape victims.
That's all wonderful, except I don't think it should be legal except in the "Big 3" circumstances.

I think this would be great if done right... We are the wealthiest country in the world, there is absolutely no reason any one of our citizens should go without the best. Yet with the free market the way it is here, we rate lower than most large countries when it comes to care
I don't trust the government to do it right. Look what they've done to Social Security.

This is not his stance... This is where he stands on this issue.
Create Secure Borders

Obama wants to preserve the integrity of our borders. He supports additional personnel, infrastructure and technology on the border and at our ports of entry.
Improve Our Immigration System

Obama believes we must fix the dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy and increase the number of legal immigrants to keep families together and meet the demand for jobs that employers cannot fill.
Remove Incentives to Enter Illegally

Obama will remove incentives to enter the country illegally by cracking down on employers who hire undocumented immigrants.
Bring People Out of the Shadows

Obama supports a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens.
Work with Mexico

Obama believes we need to do more to promote economic development in Mexico to decrease illegal immigration.
Obama takes big risk on driver's license issue

Drilling in Anwar in not even a band-aid to the problem. It will take 7-8 years to start getting oil if we drilled today. And it only has enough oil to supply the US for a year, 2 at best estimate.
The 1-2 year estimate is if we were to ONLY use ANWR oil for the entire US, which is absurd. And if Bill Clinton hadn't vetoed a bill Congress passed in 1995, we would have that oil today.

We need out, and the majority of the country agrees.
What's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always popular.

I'm a gun owner, a semi automatic 9mm that can't be used for hunting, with a large capacity clip. I am also concerned about politicians trying to take guns out of law abiding citizens. But that's not his stance. He wants to crack down on those who get the guns into the hands of criminals. He wants to make it harder for THEM to get them, not us. I support that view.
In 1998, in the IL state legislature, he voted to outlaw ALL semi-automatic weapons.
Barack Obama on Gun Control

The US is bound by international law concerning water-boarding... So it's wrong to follow the law?
I disagree with water-boarding being classified as torture.


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I think this would be great if done right... We are the wealthiest country in the world, there is absolutely no reason any one of our citizens should go without the best. Yet with the free market the way it is here, we rate lower than most large countries when it comes to care

No offense Tim, but I wouldn't exactly rank our Health Care system as a leading example of free market.

In addition, I can walk into any hospital in the country with any range of life threatening conditions, ranging from a bullet lodged in my belly to an advanced stage of cancer, and get the worlds leading care provided to me for free. The hospital may be out of business soon, but I'm patched up nice and tidy.

Just sayin is all.... ;)


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In addition, I can walk into any hospital in the country with any range of life threatening conditions, ranging from a bullet lodged in my belly to an advanced stage of cancer, and get the worlds leading care provided to me for free. The hospital may be out of business soon, but I'm patched up nice and tidy.

this is so not true. i was diagnosed with cancer on may 8th of this year and i am still waiting to see what is going to happen because i do not have insurance and no one wants to touch me. i believe obama's health care ideas are fantastic and necessary

Peter Parka

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It's all very well bigging up health care in the USA but's it's not much good to someone who cant afford insurance. We have a national health service over here. Admittedly, private health care is a lot better but at least it dosen't matter what my financial status is, I can walk into any hospital and get treatment without having to worry about the financial costs.


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It's all very well bigging up health care in the USA but's it's not much good to someone who cant afford insurance. We have a national health service over here. Admittedly, private health care is a lot better but at least it dosen't matter what my financial status is, I can walk into any hospital and get treatment without having to worry about the financial costs.

The last stat I heard about Los Angeles hospitals was that they lose approximately $1,000,000 per month treating uninsured individuals. Largely illegal immigrants, but that is a different discussion.

That's a cool mill loss after all of us paying types get the hammer for our check ups and what not.

If I walked into a hospital today with blood pouring out of my body, I'm going to get world class treatment with no questions asked. ... Well, questions asked maybe, but certainly no money changing hands.


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this is so not true. i was diagnosed with cancer on may 8th of this year and i am still waiting to see what is going to happen because i do not have insurance and no one wants to touch me. i believe obama's health care ideas are fantastic and necessary

Something is wrong here. It is the law that you receive treatment. There is a song and dance that even insured patients have to go through, but you can not be legally denied life saving services.

If you don't mind my asking a terribly personal question; why do you not have insurance?

Fortunately you were tested and diagnosed properly at any rate. Now the road is clear. We just need to get the ball rolling on it.

What kind of cancer? :(

Prayers of a stranger are officially with you friend. Stay tough.


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My friend died as a direct result from a lack of insurance.

Sure people without insurance are seen, but they are patched up and sent right out the door as soon as possible. They don't want to keep them there any longer than they absolutely have to.

You can't get routine care w/o insurance, only emergency life threatening treatment. Yes we need money to run medical facilities. But at what point in time did we decide money was worth more than human life?

Our insurance is overly expensive because of the uninsured. Medical care would be more affordable if we got rid of the 33% paperwork expense (insurance companies) and everyone was insured and paying into the system (so to speak). But everyone can't pay into the system. Insurance companies deny you for every little thing if you apply for an individual policy. Even people that can afford to pay can't get insurance.

Unless you work for a company that provides group insurance or you are perfectly healthy, you do not have the same affordable access to care as others do. It is crap and it is wrong.


DT3's Twinkie
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Let me clue you folks in on something:

Nationalized healthcare isn't the answer, I don't care what you say. Accountability and regulation is the answer, the government has refused to hold insurance companies accountable, and consequently the medical system as a whole, what you do with a system that is broken is fix it, you don't add more of what fucked it up to begin with....Which is the government.

That is a fundamental approach of the Dems I DON'T agree with at all, "let's add an agency to fix this"

The agency is what's broken. Enforce the medical system to do what they are supposed to do, which is treat people.

And go after them when they don't same with the insurance companies.