Just thought about this as I saw your post.
You know what might be a good idea?
What if like how they have a debating competition...where they have 2 sides: 1 for......1 against.
The OTz Debating (insert name here). Here's how it could work:
For our members who are keen on debating (and we have a few

), 2 sides are drawn up from a list of interested members (AEF of course, Badboy, Intruder, Dodge, Pudding, Tim, SRC, gLing, Debs etc etc).......prolly let's say each side consists of 5 people.
A subject for debating is determined beforehand (giving time for research).
Debating begins and each side puts forward their arguments "For" or "Against" depending on which one assigned.
This could be a monthly or bi-monthly exercise (or whatever).
The nice thing about this is would allow the debators to think outside the box to present ideas and opinions on any given subject apart from their own personal beliefs.
I would go to that show. I wonder if anyone else thinks this is a good idea? I would love to see that.