Debate Tournament - PurpleDove vs. Anathelia

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PurpleDove vs. Anathelia

Contraception and the Church

The Roman Catholic Church forbids the use of barrier contraception, and treats such emergency measures as the morning after pill as abortion, and a sin. World-wide population growth, the spread of HIV/AIDS, and the sanctity of the Church and its teachings are just some of the factors to consider on this subject.

Should the Roman Catholic Church change its position of forbidding the use of contraception?

There will be three rounds, the first two will be limited to 350 words each, and the third round will allow 400 words. There will be no editing of your post allowed, unless it is approved by me, and only before your opponent has their chance to respond. You will have 24 hours from the conclusion of each post in order to post your response.

I would request that nobody, other than the participants, post in this thread until the conclusion of the debate.

I flipped a coin to determine who would lead off the debate.

Ana, you may begin...
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While I believe that it is well within the rights of the Catholic church to teach what they believe, I find this to be a completely radical and wrong ideal to be teaching young people. It is one thing to teach, as the Christian church does, to abstain from sex until marriage. But to essentially teach teenagers and young adults that contraception is bad and evil and a sin is ludicrous. This teaches them to fear using contraception. The Catholic church already excommunicates members of the church for such things as divorce and pregnancy out of wedlock, and now it also wants to punish those who practice safe sex as well?

I realise that the church and the government are two separate entities, and I'm not asking one to influence the other, but to deem it acceptable to teach people that using a condom is a sin against God is completely ridiculous.


Seizing Life ♥
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Although I agree to a point that the teaching of the church in re: use of contraception especially on younger generation is radical, the church on the other hand stands firm to the basics of Biblical teachings of which our forefathers had built this country on. Today, there is no denying the fact that loose sexual morality has spawned and continues to pervade our communities due to abuse/misuse of contraception.

The church admonishes the belief that contraception is wrong because it’s a deliberate violation of God’s design built into the natural purpose of sex: ‘procreation’. The pleasure that sex provides is intended to offer possibility of new life while strengthening the bond of intimacy, respect, love between husband and wife. The loving environment is the perfect setting for nurturing children.

World problems like over population is addressed by the church that If any one on account of poverty is unable to bring up children, it’s advised to abstain from sex just as taught by most Christian churches and pointed out by Ana.

Contraception is gravely opposed to marital chastity the church upholds. It is contrary to: 1) procreative aspect of marriage 2) reciprocal self-giving of the spouses- unitive aspect. It harms true love and denies the sovereign role of God in the transmission of human life

Through the use of contraception, a wide road had been opened towards conjugal infidelity and the general lowering of morality which is undeniably prevalent in this current generation.

Not much experience is needed in order to know human weakness, and to understand that men—especially the young are so vulnerable and given the ticket through the misuse of contraception to practice sex before or outside marriage. Through the teaching of the church, an encouragement to be faithful to the moral law is upheld eluding from what is feared that a man can lose respect for any woman considering her as a mere instrument of selfish enjoyment. No longer as his respected and beloved companion.

Hence, the Catholic church shall stand firm for what it stands against use of contraception.


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I fully agree that the invention and ease-of-access of contraceptives opens a big door for premarital infidelity. However, despite what the church teaches; teenagers, young adults, and anyone, whether involved in a marital relationship or not has the free will to choose whether or not they engage in sexual activities. Teaching children and teenagers from a young age that contraception is bad and is a sin against God is opening an even bigger door for unprotected promiscuity.

Even in a marriage, it seems unfair and wrong to teach people to abstain from using protection. Couples who cannot afford to have a child, or families who cannot afford to have more children should not be reproducing. That kind of thinking is part of what has put such a burden on the government programs such as WIC and the Department of Economic Security. You cannot tell people with freedom of choice what they are and are not allowed to do. In doing so, the Church is essentially trying to be a law-maker, and that simply cannot be the case.

I still maintain that while it is well within the rights of the church to teach what they choose, it is not their right to take such a firm stance on the issue that anyone who doesn't follow the “law” to the letter is punished – whether that be by removal from the church or some sort of 21st century reenactment of The Scarlet Letter.


Seizing Life ♥
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Is contraception a modern invention? Hardly! Birth control had been around and scrolls found in Egypt, dating to 1900 B.C., describe ancient methods of birth control: animal skin rather than latex, wool that absorbed sperm and poisons that fumigated the uterus.

I agree about free will's importance and shouldn't be subdued. Reality points us that everyday, we are governed by laws, policies and rules. These rules are guidelines which doesn’t necessarily dictate on someone but would give anyone something to have at the back of their mind should they consider abiding or breaking such rules. In the same token, the Catholic church being the only church today proclaiming the historic Christian position on contraception has a duty to provide guidelines for the people re: contraception.

Who among the Catholic members do you think abide 100% by the non use of contraception? Most Catholics believe, through Sacrament of Confession- their sins are forgiven through Penance and series of prayers. Any Catholic then is able to ask for forgiveness from the church if they have committed such sin as they believe their God is an ever loving and forgiving God. The Catholic church is aware that they are not able to dictate to people what they can or cannot do. Hence it is but their duty to uphold Biblical guidelines against contraception.

While it’s true that a few centuries ago, there were historical evidences of members of the church outlawed for violating rules, nowadays with the emergence of people’s rights against hideous practices-have we seen any evidences of such re-enactments of the Scarlet letter?

Married couples unable to afford more children, Natural Family Planning is encouraged. Couples seek sex when the wife is not ovulating (such as the rhythm method, temperature charts, cervical mucus examination) Technically, there are 7-14 days where sex is not advised. Therefore 16 days left when sex is allowed per month. It just boils down then to a matter of self control for both partners. I still stand for my original position.


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The Catholic church still excommunicates people to this day. St. Joeseph's Hospital here in Phoenix just recently lost its funding, backing, and association with the Catholic church for performing a life-saving abortion on a woman who was 11 weeks pregnant.

However, abortion is not the issue here.

What is the issue is the idea that a church should continue to live in the dark ages simply because the book it uses as a guideline is thousands of years old. When church and a spiritual relationship with God is something that is very important to you, it's absurd in this day and age to be punished - whether that be being outcasted, being shunned, or not being allowed to partake in the rituals that you are told build your relationship with God - is unjustifiable. Churches teach the stories of a forgiving and loving man who surrounded himself with sinners, and yet; they cannot mirror their lives to be like him.

Contraception was created for a reason, as I've outlined above. The church needs to, at the very least, update its ideals to match the ever-changing world. The argument would be the same regardless of the issue. The church is living and teaching in the 21st century. It cannot continue to keep its head buried in the sand that is the bible and expect to get anywhere with people.

Besides, if God didn't want us having sex whenever we felt like, why would he have made it feel so good? ;)


Seizing Life ♥
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Catholic church prohibits abortion of any kind hence i would understand the loss of funding by this hospital. ANY firm for that matter- NOT just the Catholic church would be losing funding and association with said company as a consequence for the breach of contract.

The church in my opinion is not living in the dark ages as you’re maybe misconstruing. Neither is the old book ( Bible) obsolete material to establish one’s beliefs due to it’s age. Given the freedom vested to any church, the choice to establish Catholic’s beliefs re: contraception does not invalidate it due to age of source. The Bible had gone through many scrutiny by scholars to disprove it’s contents. Till this day, more evidences through artifacts/scrolls show strong evidences for the validity of the events and people mentioned in the Bible. Like any other church for that matter- the Catholic church has every right to make their own rules esp. against contraception and must be respected. Such rules in this church aren’t imposed on all people . Any person who doesn’t wanna adhere to such beliefs against contraception, are *free* to be members of other belief systems.

There are no evidences of punishments happening to couples nowadays who are non adherent to contraception usage. As earlier stated- Penance and Prayers are ways for Catholics to show repentance for their sins including going against contraception laws. Hence invalidating that position taken by the opposing side.

I agree with you that sex is good- I say *Heavenly* for that matter :p Exactly the reason why the Catholic church respects the Biblical purpose for sex . God formed us to know there’s no greater ecstasy than when a man and a woman without the hindrance of contraception- all natural sex as part of God’s design for the pleasure in the physical oneness of marriage. Which brings back the importance of keeping in mind the consequences of the misuse/abuse of contraception 1) loose morality in the community 2) infidelity 3) lose of respect for a partner-seen as a mere instrument for fulfillment of selfish sexual needs 4) medical problems arising as adverse reactions of contraception.

Are we willing to lose all these valuable aspects of our lives especially for the values we teach the younger generations ? I know, I’m not.....


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