Dealership won't take car back, this person has solution :)

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i love that the person knocks on the window "um.. hello? sir? can you please stop trashing the joint?" :24:

Joe the meek

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Someone should of put a gun in the car window and pumped a couple of slugs into the idiots head. The butt hole isn't only making a point, they could of killed someone.

Joe the meek

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How very Zimmerman. Someone might get hurt, so lets make damn sure someone gets hurt.

Someone might get hurt???

This dick takes a car and makes a battering ram out of it inside a structure, intentionally causing damage, where he could very easily hit someone.

Kicker is, people here make fun out of what this guy did, and he could of very easily of hit/killed someone.

If I was in a car dealership with my family and some idiot intentionally came driving into that car dealership with the intent of causing as much damage as they could with my family inside that structure, I'd take as many shots as I could to the drivers head not to hurt them, but to neutralize them as fast as possible to decrease the chances that they actually hit and possibly kill someone.

Love the term "How very Zimmerman", come up with that yourself or did you read it??? LOL

Kakapo Dundee

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If it were me, I'd move my family out of harm's way and call the cops.The trouble with 'the right to bear arms' is that a tiny minority think that it entitles them to act like Rambo and then claim self defence.Watching the video, it's clear that the driver is aiming to cause property damage,and NOT aiming to harm the people who are stupid enough to be wandering around while he's wrecking the joint.If you deliberately shoot him in the head, you would quite rightly be jailed for murder.You have no reasonable claim of self defence.

Joe the meek

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If it were me, I'd move my family out of harm's way and call the cops.The trouble with 'the right to bear arms' is that a tiny minority think that it entitles them to act like Rambo and then claim self defence.Watching the video, it's clear that the driver is aiming to cause property damage,and NOT aiming to harm the people who are stupid enough to be wandering around while he's wrecking the joint.If you deliberately shoot him in the head, you would quite rightly be jailed for murder.You have no reasonable claim of self defence.

If you're stupid enough to run a vehicle through an enclosed structure where people may be, and keep moving that vehicle inside that structure trying to cause as much damage as possible, that car now becomes a weapon. Myself or my family is in that structure where someone is using that vehicle as a weapon, I have no qualms with going to court over my actions.

It's fucking idiots who make the comment "crap, that's funny" watching something like this that scare me. It's not funny, it's stupid AND dangerous.

Kakapo Dundee

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It's the idiots who wave guns around instead of growing a set that scare me. Hopefully the Zimmerman case will stimulate some intelligent debate in the US around the misuse of guns.

In a civilised country, that video would not be an adequate reason for some redneck vigilante to blow someone's head off.

Joe the meek

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It's the idiots who wave guns around instead of growing a set that scare me. Hopefully the Zimmerman case will stimulate some intelligent debate in the US around the misuse of guns.

In a civilised country, that video would not be an adequate reason for some redneck vigilante to blow someone's head off.

Going on 50 years myself and amazingly enough, NEVER had to waive a gun around in the general public LMFAO.

I'll stand by my assertion that it's an idiot who makes light of someone intentionally taking a vehicle and causing damage to property that is not theirs. If you haven't realized it, you're the person who made the comment "crap, that is funny".

What that man did in that car was stupid, destructive and could have seriously hurt someone. But to you, it's funny.

Kakapo Dundee

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How have you survived 50 years with such a big fat stick up your ass?

There's no evidence that anyone got hurt. And yes, I find it amusing, because I wasn't in danger at any time. I'm not going to get all pompous and self righteous on a small internet forum over an event that had no effect on me.

Obviously the people walking around the dealership are better at measuring risk than you, because they're making no effort to move any further away than they need to.

Your suggestion that you would murder someone on the grounds that 'someone might get hurt' makes you a far more dangerous and unstable person than an irate motorist playing dodgems in a car dealership.

Joe the meek

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How have you survived 50 years with such a big fat stick up your ass?

There's no evidence that anyone got hurt. And yes, I find it amusing, because I wasn't in danger at any time. I'm not going to get all pompous and self righteous on a small internet forum over an event that had no effect on me.

Obviously the people walking around the dealership are better at measuring risk than you, because they're making no effort to move any further away than they need to.

Your suggestion that you would murder someone on the grounds that 'someone might get hurt' makes you a far more dangerous and unstable person than an irate motorist playing dodgems in a car dealership.

I survived by knowing how to differentiate between dicks like yourself and plan a course of action in the real world;)

You defend what you find funny because in your mind apparently no one can get hurt. I don't see "funny", I see destruction at the hands of someone who is using a car as a weapon.

We'll have to agree to disagree, but I suggest if you're ever in the US and you decide to take a car and use it as a battering ram INSIDE a structure, do yourself a favor and just check to make sure I'm not inside the structure you decide to attack;)

Kakapo Dundee

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I survived by knowing how to differentiate between dicks like yourself and plan a course of action in the real world;)

Frankly I'm surprised that you consider yourself fit to judge me, let alone act as judge jury and executioner in what is essentially a criminal damage case. Do us all a favour,hand your firearms in. I wouldn't trust you with a slingshot.

Joe the meek

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Frankly I'm surprised that you consider yourself fit to judge me, let alone act as judge jury and executioner in what is essentially a criminal damage case. Do us all a favour,hand your firearms in. I wouldn't trust you with a slingshot.

Like you, I'm not fit to judge anyone, but being people, we judge people all the time. If you haven't heard the expression, opinions are like assholes, everyone has them. You think causing destruction with an auto is funny, I don't.

Personally, I don't give a fuck what you trust me with;)

I'm sorry if you're to ignorant to realize that a car can be used as a weapon. Would you like to utilize this fabulous technology called the internet and see how people kill with auto's just as they do with guns?

Kakapo Dundee

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Pull your head in, you pompous idiot.Anyone who suggests murdering another human on the basis that they might hurt someone isn't fit to be listened to.

Your patronising crap might be adequate for dealing with your own circle of rednecks but there is no way that any decent citizen would validate the notion that Joe Public are entitled to summarily execute offenders.

Clearly from the video, the intent was to cause property damage. Leave it for the cops, because they're obviously a damn sight smarter than you.