New Member
I posted last week about my computer (15" pbook g4 1.33 GHz) crashing. I called Mac outfitters today to see how the repairs/stauts was on my machine. They said that the hard drive needs replaced as well as the optical drive (I just had a new optical drive installed 6 months ago!). They said they tried a few ways to get the data off but that they need to try several other things, too. Apparently there hasn't been any data retrieved thus far. As you can imagine I’m really nervous/upset/worried about this. I have heard through several people that there is always a way to get the data off and that sometimes you have to send it away to a company that specializes in this. I guess my question is: do these places really work? I really don't care what the price is...I just need all of my lost data. Any thoughts or recommendations of a place to send my hard drive if Mac outfitters cannot successfully mine my data?