So they are releasing the documents, pictures and video tapes all related to the columbine shootings.
983 pages, of diary's, testimonies, reports, and for what I don't really want to know, I guess many people want to see and understand what was going through the minds of these boys leading up to the killings. Many are hoping to find answers.
The part that gets me is they are also releasing the Journals of Harris's dad, everything he wrote about his son, his son's problems, and such be it. This is what those survivors of columbine are waiting the most for, they feel that on those pages they will discover that Mr. Harris knew his son was capable of such a violent and hateful crime, yet did nothing about it.
This gets me, He is the father, Why should he have believed or known his son was capable of such an act, Even if he knew the worst about his son, I can't imagine any parent being able to say, Yes I believe my son is capable of trying to kill everyone in his school, They continue to put the responsibility on these parents, and though yes I believe perhaps some fault should lie there, facts are, the two boys choose to commit these crimes, and to blame the parent for not seeing or saying that they knew their child would do it, I just don't understand that.
From the Documents:
"I will sooner die than betray my own thoughts, but before I leave this worthless place, I will kill whoever I deam unfit for anything at all. especially life. ... I don't forget people who wronged me, like (name redacted) he will never get a chance to read this because he will be dead by me before this is discovered." — Harris diary, April 21, 1998
_"im happy, i finally got the courage to tell my parents what i really think. i put it on paper so they wouldnt think i was 'talking back' or haveing (sic) a 'bad attitude' or something." — Harris, in undated online chatroom exchange with unidentified person.
983 pages, of diary's, testimonies, reports, and for what I don't really want to know, I guess many people want to see and understand what was going through the minds of these boys leading up to the killings. Many are hoping to find answers.
The part that gets me is they are also releasing the Journals of Harris's dad, everything he wrote about his son, his son's problems, and such be it. This is what those survivors of columbine are waiting the most for, they feel that on those pages they will discover that Mr. Harris knew his son was capable of such a violent and hateful crime, yet did nothing about it.
This gets me, He is the father, Why should he have believed or known his son was capable of such an act, Even if he knew the worst about his son, I can't imagine any parent being able to say, Yes I believe my son is capable of trying to kill everyone in his school, They continue to put the responsibility on these parents, and though yes I believe perhaps some fault should lie there, facts are, the two boys choose to commit these crimes, and to blame the parent for not seeing or saying that they knew their child would do it, I just don't understand that.
From the Documents:
"I will sooner die than betray my own thoughts, but before I leave this worthless place, I will kill whoever I deam unfit for anything at all. especially life. ... I don't forget people who wronged me, like (name redacted) he will never get a chance to read this because he will be dead by me before this is discovered." — Harris diary, April 21, 1998
_"im happy, i finally got the courage to tell my parents what i really think. i put it on paper so they wouldnt think i was 'talking back' or haveing (sic) a 'bad attitude' or something." — Harris, in undated online chatroom exchange with unidentified person.