Cockroaches! Nasty!

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The Doc

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So I have a quick question for some of you home owners out there. So I live in the barracks. Its pretty much the same as an apartment, in a building with lots of rooms. Anyways, I always keep my room clean. Sweep and mop every day, dont leave food out, take out trash regularly etc.. Anyways I came home last week after work, and I found a medium sized roach crawling up the wall. I immideatly killed it. Ran out to walmart and got some expensive ass stuff. Like a 2 gallon jug of special poison with backpack straps and an electronic hose. I sprayed it everywhere. All the corners and everything. Moved the furniture and all looking for more. Didnt see any. So Its been a little over a week. I been spraying daily and re-arranging my furniture looking for more and havent seen any. Is it safe to say it was a stray? I am in kentucky and its summer. So they are all over the sidewalks and stuff. I see a couple in the hallway too. I have been spraying up the hallway outside too, just as an added layer of protection. I am convinced the nasty shit was a stray that came thru the vent or walked in when i opened the door. So since its been a week, with my searching and spraying and all I havent seen anything. Is it safe to assume it was a stray? What are some preventive measures I can do to keep them out? Aside from keeping clean, because I already do that. I heard even with no food left out they eat our dead skin flakes that humans shed all the time..
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Sounds like it wandered in from somewhere else. Not difficult to assume that after all, if you're living in a building with several people then there's always the risk of being nearby someone who isn't as clean.

Joe the meek

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So I have a quick question for some of you home owners out there. So I live in the barracks. Its pretty much the same as an apartment, in a building with lots of rooms. Anyways, I always keep my room clean. Sweep and mop every day, dont leave food out, take out trash regularly etc..

Have to laugh, when I saw one of those pics you put up there on your living quarters, in all honesty I thought the Army had become a little lax on their training as you had crap everywhere.

Sounds like a stray.

You did read the instructions on this "special poison" before you applied it?


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You don't have to have dirty house to have Cockroaches ok maybe a dirty house will have more because more food they can find
but there are many different type and like to live in a house mostly dark areas a lot are in the walls too
a Cockroaches can live without food for a month but a week without water ..having pets can bring them too because always a bowl of water around
and even if you spray your house will not stop them coming just only will die once they come and stay long... need all the neighbours to do this to not have them
i do get sometimes some but mostly are stray don't manage to live long with my cats lol
sometimes the changes of the weather you notice some of them come in the house ...