It's come to light recently in Spain, that there's a serious imbalance between state sector pay and private sector pay.
The local town hall here has been the victim of some eye-opening graffiti. The civil servants have been on strike over a possible pay cut that the govt will be enforcing shortly. Only, the truth about their salaries was leaked... it turns out, get this, that the BASE rate for a civil servant is 3,000€ PER MONTH. For HALF A DAY'S WORK. That's right, they finish at 2pm. Every single fucking day.
So whilst the rest of the country average a private sector wage of 1,000€ per month for full time employment, the civil servants are complaining that they might have to lose a tiny fraction of their massive salary. This proposed wage cut is to help fund benefit extensions for the 32% unemployed in the region that are living off an average of 10€*per day right now (for a whole family)...
Can you believe it? I'm livid, to say the least. The fuckers are paid 3 times the average for half the amount of work and they're STILL complaining about losing a possible 10% of their money.
What's worse is that civil service jobs in Spain are only available to those who already have family members working in civil roles. That is, you need what's known as an "enchufé" (a plug in) to get a governmental position. Jobs for the boys and the boys only. Cousins, nephews, brothers and sisters are the only people even considered for civil roles. If you ain't got family in the govt, you're simply not getting a job with them.
Fuckers. I'm so sick of this fucking country.
The local town hall here has been the victim of some eye-opening graffiti. The civil servants have been on strike over a possible pay cut that the govt will be enforcing shortly. Only, the truth about their salaries was leaked... it turns out, get this, that the BASE rate for a civil servant is 3,000€ PER MONTH. For HALF A DAY'S WORK. That's right, they finish at 2pm. Every single fucking day.
So whilst the rest of the country average a private sector wage of 1,000€ per month for full time employment, the civil servants are complaining that they might have to lose a tiny fraction of their massive salary. This proposed wage cut is to help fund benefit extensions for the 32% unemployed in the region that are living off an average of 10€*per day right now (for a whole family)...
Can you believe it? I'm livid, to say the least. The fuckers are paid 3 times the average for half the amount of work and they're STILL complaining about losing a possible 10% of their money.
What's worse is that civil service jobs in Spain are only available to those who already have family members working in civil roles. That is, you need what's known as an "enchufé" (a plug in) to get a governmental position. Jobs for the boys and the boys only. Cousins, nephews, brothers and sisters are the only people even considered for civil roles. If you ain't got family in the govt, you're simply not getting a job with them.
Fuckers. I'm so sick of this fucking country.