Churchgoing as an atheist?

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For the third time in three months now we've had some religious folks knock on the door and offer us leaflets about God. I'm not 100% which church they belong to because I don't ask questions or read the leaflets, I've always been apathetic agnostic and it works for me.

I did wonder today though, if anyone ever goes to church without actually believing. For long periods of time, not just because they want to get married in a church like some of my friends have. Some of the people seem very friendly, one was a young man with his newborn son and I thought 'hey, this would be a neat way to meet people'.

Would that be too weird?
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Peter Parka

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Probably Jehovahs Witnesses and yes, there are plenty of them that don't deep down believe in god. They get brought up to only have friends who are other Jehovahs Witnesses so are too scared to leave because it basically means killing their social life and starting again from scratch.


The cake is a metaphor
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We got some of them today too!

I was polite, but I made it clear that unless they had a spare laptop hard drive in their bags, I would remain an atheist.


Number 2, Rafael!
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We had some walking round the other day round here, they didn't come to my house.

True story. Once when I was at School we had to go to Mass, and I pretended I had been confirmed so i could eat that white bread stuff they give you. It was fucking horrible.


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Lol Springsteen, maybe if they had nicer wafers, more people would go to church :p

Jehovah's witnesses make sense. We seem to have so many! I'm not very good at telling them to go away either. I went to sunday school when I was little but I'm pretty sure that was so my mum could have some time to herself, since my parents aren't religious.

I think the idea of joining a church mainly appeals in the same way that I'm looking forward to joining mother and baby groups when I have kids one day - especially now I'm out of work, I don't meet anyone. Unless you count OTz, and it's not quite the same haha :)

Minor Axis

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In my youth I did view church as a place to meet women. Was that wrong? ;) But I admit, at that time my Agnostic views were not that developed. The problem with an Atheist going to church to be social is that you are putting yourself in a situation where you are doing what can be an elaborate ceremony, none of which you believe in. And then the 'God' discussions that you'd have to endure. Or worse yet someone wonders why you are so quiet. I'd think eventually it would wear on you. However, I could see someone doing this though to gain acceptance into a social group.


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I've planned on going to catholic masss with roommate high as hell. We're both atheists and it just sounds like a great idea. Especially when snack time rolls around and we eat the communion that'll be sweet


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For the third time in three months now we've had some religious folks knock on the door and offer us leaflets about God. I'm not 100% which church they belong to because I don't ask questions or read the leaflets, I've always been apathetic agnostic and it works for me.

I did wonder today though, if anyone ever goes to church without actually believing. For long periods of time, not just because they want to get married in a church like some of my friends have. Some of the people seem very friendly, one was a young man with his newborn son and I thought 'hey, this would be a neat way to meet people'.

Would that be too weird?

I suppose some who goes to church and does not 100% believe in God either are trying to find something to believe in, are simply there for the free food given out on Sundays or follow the basic concept of "If God does exist then at least I put some time in at church. Better safe then sorry." to be quite honest. I, personally, just believe in all path to peace so long as it does not harm others. I see no point in going to church. If God is all knowing then he shall know that I am a good person with a good heart whether I go to church or not. That is if he exists to being with. I have no personal thoughts about his existence. Just my own opinion though.
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I think some atheists go to church to socialize. There are humanist groups out there that provide social events but they are geared toward adults. As far as I know, only churches provide family events. This is an appeal to people with kids. I personally think there would be a lot more humanists in the US if they would gear their activities toward the whole family.


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There are few things I hate more than MORMONS, which unfortunately there are entirely too many of in Oregon, we'd get those rat bastards knocking on our door all the time, and no matter how rude you are to them and how many times you tell them to go away they always end up sending more, like they're thinking "THIS TIME we'll convert him!", my god it is infuriating :mad

oh and to answer your question I think a lot of non believers go to church, for various reasons, some have been raised in that religion and don't want to disappoint their families so they go with them anyways, some go to try to find god, and others go just to socialize :dunno

Diggin Deep

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For the third time in three months now we've had some religious folks knock on the door and offer us leaflets about God. I'm not 100% which church they belong to because I don't ask questions or read the leaflets, I've always been apathetic agnostic and it works for me.

I did wonder today though, if anyone ever goes to church without actually believing. For long periods of time, not just because they want to get married in a church like some of my friends have. Some of the people seem very friendly, one was a young man with his newborn son and I thought 'hey, this would be a neat way to meet people'.

Would that be too weird?

I doubt you'll every really hear me talk religion on this forum. Having said that, your question is exactly how I came to be a Christian. Some of my friends had been going to a small church and kept inviting me. I was somewhere between Agnostic and 'couldn't care less'. Eventually, I took them up on their offer during a Thanksgiving dinner the church was having. So I definitely went because of the food and socialization. However, I continued to go and and my views slowly changed.


In Memoriam - RIP
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I wouldn't know if any knock on my door. most people are too stupid to realize theres a flight of stairs behind the bottom door so they knock and if no one answers they move on. It's like people have never heard of a second floor apartment. But thats fine with me. Nothing will sway me from becoming a religious statistic. What God and I have is between me and God,

Diggin Deep

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I suppose some who goes to church and does not 100% believe in God either are trying to find something to believe in, are simply there for the free food given out on Sundays or follow the basic concept of "If God does exist then at least I put some time in at church. Better safe then sorry." to be quite honest. I, personally, just believe in all path to peace so long as it does not harm others. I see no point in going to church. If God is all knowing then he shall know that I am a good person with a good heart whether I go to church or not. That is if he exists to being with. I have no personal thoughts about his existence. Just my own opinion though.

I agree that one does not have to go to church to follow God or be a Christian. I know a lot of Christians who would debate that with me. My thought is going to church a good thing to do if you are a Christian? Yes, most definitely! It is always good to surround yourself with others who share your beliefs and ideas, share life stories, and offer insight on things you may not undestand. It's also nice to have somewhere to go to continue your growth and strengthen your relationship with God. However, it is also healthy to associate with those who have different beliefs and may not agree on every aspect of life and religion. Not so you can have an open opportunity to get on your soap box, but to show that all "Christians" aren't so narrow minded. It is ok to share different opinions and still be friends. wife is border line Agnostic and there are members of my family who are too.

Sorry for rambling...

So...can a person strengthen their relationship with God and their own personal walk with Him without going to church? Yes!!! Like you said Xeno...He knows our heart! I know over the years...I have went to church less and less and though my walk may not be as strong as it was...I'm still able to maintain a strong personal relationship with God.


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I went to Church regularly when I was 7-9ish because I was in the Brownies. I didn't need to (apart from when we did the Brownie processions through the Church with the flags but that was only every other month) but I did anyway. I can't even really explain quite why I did but I found it a nice thing to do.

I don't mind Religious people as long as they aren't the threatening, rude kind. I remember some born again Christians coming to my school then following me around trying to get me baptised and saying all sorts of rubbish about how I would not be able to go into Churches and how I'm going to die painfully.


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In small towns there are two places to meet people. One is the post office and the other is a church. It's a no brainer.


In Memoriam - RIP
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I went to Church regularly when I was 7-9ish because I was in the Brownies. I didn't need to (apart from when we did the Brownie processions through the Church with the flags but that was only every other month) but I did anyway. I can't even really explain quite why I did but I found it a nice thing to do.

I don't mind Religious people as long as they aren't the threatening, rude kind. I remember some born again Christians coming to my school then following me around trying to get me baptised and saying all sorts of rubbish about how I would not be able to go into Churches and how I'm going to die painfully.
I used to belong to a religious Boy Scouts as a child. We did games,. went on hikes but read from the bible nightly. I mostly went as a way to socialize and a family friend I knew ran it.


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No pubs in small towns the USA? Thats probably the most popular meeting places in small towns where I live.
Well I don't live in the US but yes there is and the same in Canada. Pubbing in N.A. isn't what it once was. It used to be the thing to do but with the laws the way they are regarding drinking and driving it has brought a lot of small places to their knees. I met both :D my wives in the pub many moons ago but I haven't been in one for at least 15 years other than to play a little slots now and then ( in Manitoba ). If I ended up single today I doubt I would go to the pub. I know for a fact I wouldn't go to church and I do visit the post office every Friday without fail but I live in a very small community and the post office is tiny. One has to go outside to change their mind. I really don't know where I would go to meat ;) people. Probably dome sleazy site on the net. :24:
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