Fox Mulder
Active Member
This is unbelievable.
Chris Matthews: "I Want To Do Everything I Can To Make This New Presidency Work"
Again--how the fuck can anyone question whether the main stream Media is Liberal in this country? Mathews is a "journalist" with MSNBC--a very prominent one. Watch the video and how the other people are taken a back by his comment.
I don't have any problem with Mathews supporting Obama, but stop calling himself a journalist and just admit he's a political hack. Resign his position as a "journalist" with MSNBC, hire a right wing talking head and have a show like Hannity and Colmbs. No one pretends that Hannity or Colmbs are "journalists"--the would tell you they are not journalists--like Limbaugh they are political pundits--entertainers. Its fucking ridiculous that NBC allows people like Mathews to parade around as journalists.
As I said in another thread, Obama is going to be successful whether he's successful or not because the media is going to portray what he does as successful.
Anyone who respects the 1st Amendment Freedom of Expression should be very concerned with the monopoly on thought that exists in this country. And if that's not bad enough--these people want to end all oppossing thought with the "Unfairness Doctrine!" :rolleyes
Chris Matthews: "I Want To Do Everything I Can To Make This New Presidency Work"
Chris Matthews appeared on "Morning Joe" Thursday morning, and in the context of discussing the Obama transition — and Rahm Emanuel's motives for waffling on the chief of staff position — told Joe Scarborough it is not his job to question Emanuel's motives.
"You know what?" Matthews said. "I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new Presidency work."
Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski pressed Matthews on his claim, asking if it his his job as a journalist to make the Presidency work.
"Yeah, that's my job. My job is to help this make this work succsesfully, because this country needs a successful Presidency, more than anything right now," Matthews said.
"As Americans, Chris Matthews, we are all rooting for the success of Barack Obama," Scarborough said. "America is at a perilous time. But you just talked about being a journalist, and your job as a journalist is not to question motives. Then, two seconds later, you said your job was to make this Presidency a success. That's curious."
Later, Scarborough said, "We all wish [Obama] well, we just don't think it's our job to make this work anymore than it was a journalist's job to make the Iraq War have a successful launch."
Again--how the fuck can anyone question whether the main stream Media is Liberal in this country? Mathews is a "journalist" with MSNBC--a very prominent one. Watch the video and how the other people are taken a back by his comment.
I don't have any problem with Mathews supporting Obama, but stop calling himself a journalist and just admit he's a political hack. Resign his position as a "journalist" with MSNBC, hire a right wing talking head and have a show like Hannity and Colmbs. No one pretends that Hannity or Colmbs are "journalists"--the would tell you they are not journalists--like Limbaugh they are political pundits--entertainers. Its fucking ridiculous that NBC allows people like Mathews to parade around as journalists.
As I said in another thread, Obama is going to be successful whether he's successful or not because the media is going to portray what he does as successful.
Anyone who respects the 1st Amendment Freedom of Expression should be very concerned with the monopoly on thought that exists in this country. And if that's not bad enough--these people want to end all oppossing thought with the "Unfairness Doctrine!" :rolleyes