Greatest I am
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Can God love?
We are told that the mythical bible God is love or theepitome of love.
Archetypal Jesus said that we would know his people by thelove, deeds and actions they showed others.
Jesus gave us examples of the deeds and works. Feed thepoor, love all our neighbours, do not sin and many others.
Love then, seems to Jesus, to be something that must beshown by deeds, actions and works to be alive and true love. Love, like faith,without works is dead. Both St. James and Jesus agree on this.
It follows then thatif God is not doing something to show this love then the love for man expressedin scriptures is wrong and God cannot love.
You are in the image of God. When you love someone you showthem that love by works and deeds. This is how the recipient of that love knowsit is there and that allows for reciprocity. You will agree that without reciprocity, truelove cannot exist between two individuals. We must do things for each other fortrue love to exist.
Imagine what those you love would think if you never didanything to express your love. Imagine what you would think of the love ofothers towards you if they never did anything to show they loved you. See what I mean. Love always must have deedsto be real and true and reciprocity must be at play.
Love then has no choice but to be expressed if it is truelove.
We are told that God loved his son so much that he plannedto have him sacrificed even before the earth was created. This human sacrificeor any other human sacrifice, voluntary or not, is immoral and the notion thatit is good to sacrifice an innocent victim to give the guilty believers a freeride into heaven is a completely self-gratifying notion and is completelyimmoral. One does not show love for someone by having them sacrificed for thesins of others when God himself stated that we are all responsible for our ownsalvation and cannot put that responsibility of the shoulders of a scapegoatJesus.
Does love need deeds and works to be expressed?
Have you seen God express his love for us lately?
These following speak to this issue if you wish to viewthem.
We are told that the mythical bible God is love or theepitome of love.
Archetypal Jesus said that we would know his people by thelove, deeds and actions they showed others.
Jesus gave us examples of the deeds and works. Feed thepoor, love all our neighbours, do not sin and many others.
Love then, seems to Jesus, to be something that must beshown by deeds, actions and works to be alive and true love. Love, like faith,without works is dead. Both St. James and Jesus agree on this.
It follows then thatif God is not doing something to show this love then the love for man expressedin scriptures is wrong and God cannot love.
You are in the image of God. When you love someone you showthem that love by works and deeds. This is how the recipient of that love knowsit is there and that allows for reciprocity. You will agree that without reciprocity, truelove cannot exist between two individuals. We must do things for each other fortrue love to exist.
Imagine what those you love would think if you never didanything to express your love. Imagine what you would think of the love ofothers towards you if they never did anything to show they loved you. See what I mean. Love always must have deedsto be real and true and reciprocity must be at play.
Love then has no choice but to be expressed if it is truelove.
We are told that God loved his son so much that he plannedto have him sacrificed even before the earth was created. This human sacrificeor any other human sacrifice, voluntary or not, is immoral and the notion thatit is good to sacrifice an innocent victim to give the guilty believers a freeride into heaven is a completely self-gratifying notion and is completelyimmoral. One does not show love for someone by having them sacrificed for thesins of others when God himself stated that we are all responsible for our ownsalvation and cannot put that responsibility of the shoulders of a scapegoatJesus.
Does love need deeds and works to be expressed?
Have you seen God express his love for us lately?
These following speak to this issue if you wish to viewthem.