Can God love?

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Greatest I am

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Can God love?

We are told that the mythical bible God is love or theepitome of love.

Archetypal Jesus said that we would know his people by thelove, deeds and actions they showed others.

Jesus gave us examples of the deeds and works. Feed thepoor, love all our neighbours, do not sin and many others.

Love then, seems to Jesus, to be something that must beshown by deeds, actions and works to be alive and true love. Love, like faith,without works is dead. Both St. James and Jesus agree on this.

It follows then thatif God is not doing something to show this love then the love for man expressedin scriptures is wrong and God cannot love.

You are in the image of God. When you love someone you showthem that love by works and deeds. This is how the recipient of that love knowsit is there and that allows for reciprocity. You will agree that without reciprocity, truelove cannot exist between two individuals. We must do things for each other fortrue love to exist.

Imagine what those you love would think if you never didanything to express your love. Imagine what you would think of the love ofothers towards you if they never did anything to show they loved you. See what I mean. Love always must have deedsto be real and true and reciprocity must be at play.

Love then has no choice but to be expressed if it is truelove.

We are told that God loved his son so much that he plannedto have him sacrificed even before the earth was created. This human sacrificeor any other human sacrifice, voluntary or not, is immoral and the notion thatit is good to sacrifice an innocent victim to give the guilty believers a freeride into heaven is a completely self-gratifying notion and is completelyimmoral. One does not show love for someone by having them sacrificed for thesins of others when God himself stated that we are all responsible for our ownsalvation and cannot put that responsibility of the shoulders of a scapegoatJesus.

Does love need deeds and works to be expressed?

Have you seen God express his love for us lately?


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Minor Axis

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Have you seen God express his love for us lately?

Are we defining love within the scope of human or spiritual scope and understanding? If there is a spiritual purpose for us on this Earth, I feel confident in saying that it is to overcome adversity. The only way you can do that is through adverse situations. When the scope changes from human dimensions to spiritual dimensions, the definition of love takes on a new meaning, does it not?

Greatest I am

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Are we defining love within the scope of human or spiritual scope and understanding? If there is a spiritual purpose for us on this Earth, I feel confident in saying that it is to overcome adversity. The only way you can do that is through adverse situations. When the scope changes from human dimensions to spiritual dimensions, the definition of love takes on a new meaning, does it not?

I don't know. We can see, evaluate and discuss love that we see or want here in the real world.
I have no idea as to what goes on in the so called spiritual world.

But if the love that is there is extended to mankind and God can sit there and watch 9 milliom children and babies starve and die yearly, then the spirit world can shove it's brand of love.


Minor Axis

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I don't know. We can see, evaluate and discuss love that we see or want here in the real world.
I have no idea as to what goes on in the so called spiritual world.

But if the love that is there is extended to mankind and God can sit there and watch 9 milliom children and babies starve and die yearly, then the spirit world can shove it's brand of love.


To reinforce, this is philosophical speculation on my part...
What if it is the Earth Simulator we are talking about, a place where spirits volunteer to experience? How would you then judge God's love? My point is that you can limit yourself to what can be proven and experienced here on Earth or you open your mind up to what is on the edge of what we may sense, but are not sure. As I said your position regarding "cosmic consciousness" opens you to ideas beyond what can be proven so my guess is you'd be willing to consider it. Maybe if you could explain by what you mean by cosmic consciousness? Is spirituality involved?
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Greatest I am

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To reinforce, this is philosophical speculation on my part...
What if it is the Earth Simulator we are talking about, a place where spirits volunteer to experience? How would you then judge God's love?

I could still only judge it by whatever evidence is at hand and based on what I have learned of life. This would include my view of knowledge, justice and morality which is basically formed by intelligent thought of known facts.

y point is that you can limit yourself to what can be proven and experienced here on Earth or you open your mind up to what is on the edge of what we may sense, but are not sure. As I said your position regarding "cosmic consciousness" opens you to ideas beyond what can be proven so my guess is you'd be willing to consider it. Maybe if you could explain by what you mean by cosmic consciousness? Is spirituality involved?

If spirituality includes the seeking of the best rules to live by then there is that spiritual dimension, but that is not the way most think of spirituality. I can combine theology and philosophy as to me, both systems try to give us the best rules or laws to live by.

The best way for me to explain how I see the cosmic consciousness is by analogy.
Consider your consciousness to be a P C.
Consider the cosmic consciousness to be a mainframe made up of a bunch of P C's that have the run of the whole main frame.

Apotheosis is entering or accessing the main frame for a brief time, gleaning what you can in that brief time and then being ejected like a mainframe would do with a virus. I was not a virus but my time was just up.

Somewhat like you and the internet. You enter for a brief time, Google around to learn what some of the better minds are thinking, and then try to apply it to your own paradigm.

FMPOV, spirituality is somewhat involve, because I think that the cosmic consciousness is all that was ever found and called God by the finder. The term God has been added onto with all the omnies so much that it no longer represents the think found which I call the Godhead ---- just to distinguish it from what most presently call God. The miracle working one.


Minor Axis

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If spirituality includes the seeking of the best rules to live by then there is that spiritual dimension, but that is not the way most think of spirituality. I can combine theology and philosophy as to me, both systems try to give us the best rules or laws to live by.

The best way for me to explain how I see the cosmic consciousness is by analogy.
Consider your consciousness to be a P C.
Consider the cosmic consciousness to be a mainframe made up of a bunch of P C's that have the run of the whole main frame.

Apotheosis is entering or accessing the main frame for a brief time, gleaning what you can in that brief time and then being ejected like a mainframe would do with a virus. I was not a virus but my time was just up.

Somewhat like you and the internet. You enter for a brief time, Google around to learn what some of the better minds are thinking, and then try to apply it to your own paradigm.

FMPOV, spirituality is somewhat involve, because I think that the cosmic consciousness is all that was ever found and called God by the finder. The term God has been added onto with all the omnies so much that it no longer represents the think found which I call the Godhead ---- just to distinguish it from what most presently call God. The miracle working one.


So the cosmic consciousness as you defined it lives of itself, independently, and is tapped by the human brain or does it only exist as long as human brains exist to feed into it? If is the former, this would describe a mechanism that is self supporting, that would indicated a power, likely intelligent that some would call God. If it is the latter, the mechanism could mean the human race collectively along with any other species in the universe could be "God". We'd still have to figure out what God can and can't do. ;)

Greatest I am

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So the cosmic consciousness as you defined it lives of itself, independently, and is tapped by the human brain or does it only exist as long as human brains exist to feed into it?

It lives independent of us. If we were not around to make it grow, I guess that it would no longer be able to grow in terms of numbers of individual consciousnesses within it. Would it eventually die? I don't know and have a hard time thinking that anything is eternal as it could never prove that it was.

If is the former, this would describe a mechanism that is self supporting, that would indicated a power, likely intelligent that some would call God.

I think that it was found and called God but then all kinds of impossible attributes were given to it in error. Probably from a ---my God has a bigger dick than your God---mentality. It must have some form of energy to maintain itself but I have no idea as to what that energy or power would be. That is somewhat like asking where an atom gets the energy to keep vibrating. I do not think that that can be answered at this point in time.

If it is the latter, the mechanism could mean the human race collectively along with any other species in the universe could be "God". We'd still have to figure out what God can and can't do. ;)

Yes and likely impossible until he shows up.

Scriptures indicate that we can be as Gods with the knowledge of good and evil. A & E did just that according to the bible. The O T is a Jewish work and they saw Eden as man's elevation and not the fall that Christianity later postulated.

As a Gnostic Christian, I believe that we all have the spark of Godliness within us so what we can do is more important to me than what an invisible absentee mythical God can do.



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Gen 3; 22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil


That only works if Genesis is taken literally and not as allegory. And cherry picked at the same time.
Like I posted before, I'm not a fundamentalist so your interpretations of a fundamentalist nature that leverage your bias against Christianity have no logical basis other than from a fundamentalist pov.
For Jews and Christians alike, the theological importance of Genesis centers on the covenants linking God to his Chosen People and the people to the Promised Land. Christianity has interpreted Genesis as the prefiguration of certain cardinal Christian beliefs, primarily the need for salvation (the hope or assurance of all Christians) and the redemptive act of Christ on the Cross as the fulfillment of covenant promises as the Son of God.

Scriptures indicate that we can be as Gods........