No salon keeps hair lying around, so in all probability, it isn't hers-I predict a cease and desist order....
Today's NY Daily News states that she had extensions that were way too tight and impetuously decided to shave them off. She entered a salon and asked the stylist to do so, but the stylist refused, so she grabbed the trimmers and started shaving it herself, at which point the stylist acquiesced and finished the job. She bagged the hair for Spears, suggesting donation to charity.
Interestingly enough, there follows at least two more articles about her 'impending breakdown'....yet people do this stuff every day and are otherwise perfectly normal, said to just be 'making a style statement'.
We really put way too much attention on entertainers....just waiting for them to screw up and fall apart, ala Mariah Carey or Tom Cruise, so we can point fingers and make ourselves seem more 'superior'.