Mrs Behavin
Well-Known Member
Like many great industrialists before him, Bill Gates cherished a dream: that after he retired, he would give his fortune away. But when his mother died prematurely, the techno-tycoon could wait no longer. Soon, billions were allocated to Aids, malaria and education projects. And now, with a $35bn donation from his friend Warren Buffett, Microsoft's founder truly has the power to change the world. Paul Vallely explains where the money goes - and why
It was already the most powerful charity in the world. And by a big margin. Last year it declared its assets at $35bn - more than the GDP of a medium-sized African country. It gave away $1.36bn in grants. And now it is to double in size - thanks to a massive donation from the world's second richest man.
The rich, F Scott Fitzgerald famously observed, are different from you and me (and not just because, as Ernest Hemingway waggishly riposted, they have more money). If you needed proof of that just put yourself in the shoes of yesterday's donor, 75-year-old Warren Buffett. If you had decided you were going to give all your money away, to whom would you give it? Here's one answer you probably wouldn't come up with. The second richest man in the world decided to give it to the richest man in the world - the Microsoft founder Bill Gates
It was already the most powerful charity in the world. And by a big margin. Last year it declared its assets at $35bn - more than the GDP of a medium-sized African country. It gave away $1.36bn in grants. And now it is to double in size - thanks to a massive donation from the world's second richest man.
The rich, F Scott Fitzgerald famously observed, are different from you and me (and not just because, as Ernest Hemingway waggishly riposted, they have more money). If you needed proof of that just put yourself in the shoes of yesterday's donor, 75-year-old Warren Buffett. If you had decided you were going to give all your money away, to whom would you give it? Here's one answer you probably wouldn't come up with. The second richest man in the world decided to give it to the richest man in the world - the Microsoft founder Bill Gates