My mother bought into this a few years ago and asked me to look at it.
I was initially interested, but when I found out the guy was selling it, I decided I was a true skeptic, and started looking into the system.
My personal opinion of it, is that it is a toy generated to sell to believers to make money.
It cannot tell the future, because the only way to get information out of it is to use key words of an event that you already know of.
The way it stretches and shrinks the text to make words, could be used on any text of reasonable length. I'm remembering an argument against it where somebody built the matrix using the book Moby Dick, and it worked great.
Beyond that, the Bible was not written in English. Not only was it not written in English, there are several current English translations, which will all provide different information in the program.
Short answer... I don't buy it. :shrug: